Indian IT services company Wipro is all set to announce its Q4 FY 23 earnings on Thursday. All eyes are, therefore, resting on Wipro’s results, especially after the company’s two other rivals, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys posted disappointing numbers, far below their growth projections earlier this month.
Although, Wipro changed its operating structure mid-year, despite this analysts expect the company to post a decline in revenues sequentially.
Experts believe that hiring numbers are also expected to remain muted, just like previous quarters.
Furthermore, the HDFC Securities report noted that the employee utilisation at the company could improve. Also, the hiring, especially fresher hiring would be recalibrated based on demand.
“Margin levers are pyramid structure, utilization, and automation offset by headwinds like lower revenue growth and normalisation of travel and facility expenses”, the report said.
“Fresher hiring of 24-25k in FY23E will be recalibrated based on demand, but there is a lot of scope to improve the pyramid as historically Wipro has been lower than peers on freshers,” HDFC securities added.
Business Today has been reporting since September last year that the company has been delaying onboarding of freshers for over 12 months due to drop in demand for IT services.
Also Read: TCS, Infosys, Wipro: Are huge bench sizes dragging down Indian IT majors? – BusinessToday
Also Read: TCS, Infosys, HCLTech: Hirings drop up to 78% in FY23 at major IT companies – BusinessToday
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