Why Every Leader Should Be A Thought Leader


When you look around your organization at the leaders who seem to be succeeding – they get noticed by executives more senior, they get pursued by others for input, and they are respected for the things they know. Ever wonder why that is? It’s not random. That’s because in today’s knowledge economy, ideas and wisdom are the new currencies of the day. While “who” you know has always been important, these days “what” you know carries more weight than ever.

But just having ideas isn’t enough. How you get those ideas out into the world to build your credibility, establish your “brand,” and draw others to you is key to a vital aspect of leadership – thought leadership. In a world where everyone’s remit includes insights, fresh thinking, and proven ideas, every leader must strive to be a thought leader — because every leader has good ideas that they can share for the benefit of others. As Noel Tichy, author of “The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win” has explained, leaders must cultivate a “teachable point of view” within themselves to identify how and when to share their ideas with others. Sharing the right ideas at the right time and place can have an incredible impact. At the end of the day, some of the most important work any leader will accomplish is what they teach using their unique ideas, hard-won experiences and perspectives. As Dorie Clark, bestselling author and speaker, who has been called “the thought leader of thought leaders” suggests, “Sharing your ideas publicly helps magnify your impact, unite your team, and ensure that causes and opportunities most important to you get the attention they deserve.”

Thought Leadership Helps You Teach Others

Thought leadership can be a powerful tool for sharing your influence with the people you work with — and even your industry as a whole. The idea here isn’t that you’re going to try to turn others into “clones” of yourself. But by teaching valuable ideas that they can share and pass on themselves, you create an opportunity for organization-wide lift.

The best leaders don’t keep their insights and knowledge to themselves. In fact, knowledge sharing is viewed as a competitive advantage. As described by Northwestern University:

“Knowledge sharing in teams has lead to enhanced performance. By engaging in the knowledge sharing process teams create a new unique knowledge resource that competitors cannot easily imitate. Knowledge sharing leads to superior team performance and is a source of competitive advantage for organizations.”

Of course, to strengthen the capabilities of those you’re trying to teach within your organization, you must become a better teacher yourself. Managers who become effective teachers seek to understand how others learn so they can tailor their teaching to those specific needs. They ask questions to understand learners, practice empathy and aren’t afraid to reinforce learning through demonstrations, coaching and encouraging team members to reflect.

This desire to be an effective teacher is foundational thought leadership, regardless of the specific nature of how you present your information or what ideas you share. The goal isn’t to prove how smart you are — it’s to make a meaningful difference in others’ career journeys.

When you’re perceived as the leader with proven ideas, from whom others learn and to whom others turn when they need perspective, your leadership capital dramatically increases. When those who’ve learned from you talk about you to others, broadening your reputation as a “go to” leader, they’ll say things like, “Gosh, every time I ask for their input on something, I learn something new and feel more confident in tackling whatever challenge I was facing.” That’s a powerful way to build your leadership reputation.

Thought Leadership Strengthens Credibility

Another noteworthy benefit of thought leadership is that it can build your personal brand — and your credibility within your niche. Public-facing thought leadership opportunities, like speaking at industry conferences or publishing articles in business magazines or on LinkedIn, help show others that you truly do know what you’re talking about. You get “street credibility.” As your network expands, you have the power of “entering the room before you enter the room.” When people search your name (and believe me, they will), and articles, videos, or other intellectual capital returns in their search, your trustworthiness is immediately enhanced. People conclude, “This person clearly knows their stuff. I want to get to know them.”

As Tyler Wagner, founder of Authors Unite, explains, “Today’s audiences value credibility and authenticity. They want to know that the people they’re doing business with can be trusted. They want to know that these people are truly the experts they claim to be. Thought leadership is a key opportunity to showcase your abilities and value, serving as a form of validation for the claims you make on your business website or elsewhere. For many potential customers, thought leadership pieces can play a key role in their decision on whether to do business with you.”

It’s also worth noting that thought leadership can be how many potential clients discover your business in the first place. If you write a business book that lands on the Amazon or Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, it can become a compelling introduction to your company, as well.

Thought Leaders Attract and Retain Top Talent

While thought leadership can help you attract new clients, it can be even more valuable in helping you bring top talent into your organization. What you share online can make talented individuals want to work for you because they see the innovation and leadership that you bring to the table.

Of course, true thought leaders don’t just focus on producing outward-facing content. They understand that their team is the lifeblood of their company, and as such, they also focus their ideas on those they lead. Sharing insights and guidance at company gatherings or through the company newsletter can be especially impactful for driving motivation and learning among your team. It also strengthens your internal learning eco-system. By contributing to the knowledge of colleagues across your organization you’ve not even met, You build a reputation for not just being a talent magnet, but a talent exporter. As those you’ve led and taught grow their careers in other parts of your organization, they take your wisdom and ideas with them.

As many businesses have learned, using thought leadership can be a powerful retention tool, in large part because incoming candidates will already have a clearer understanding of your company and its culture — and in particular, your vision and values.

Thought leadership that helps employees grow on their career paths can also boost a wide array of positive outcomes. Using thought leadership to cultivate a learning culture can improve retention by 34%, boost productivity by 52%, and results in teams that are 56% more likely to be first to market with new products and services thanks to a more innovative culture.

The nitty gritty of what you do in a leadership position at work is undoubtedly important. But as a leader, your influence can be so much greater than that. As you strive to share your ideas and knowledge — whether through online publications or in-person with your teams — you’ll strengthen your own position and help others around you achieve their full potential.

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