What is the key to successful post-deal integration?


What is the key to successful post-deal integration?

Post-deal integration is the most vital part of an M&A deal. Other stages – such as target acquisition profile and financial structure – may receive more attention from M&A brokers and advisers, but integration is the point at which a deal succeeds or fails. A deal can have a flawless strategic rationale and fail without a proper integration strategy. Equally, a deal can be deeply flawed and turned into a success with a competent, creative integration plan. Many of the UK’s most successful buyers put integration at the very heart of their M&A strategy – such as wealth management consolidator Mattioli Woods, which operates an “integration over acquisition” approach and recently reported a 72.8 per cent increase in turnover driven largely by M&A.

Integration enables buyers to unlock the true value and growth potential offered by their acquisitions, driving revenue growth and profitability in the long term. While all post-deal integration phases will need to be tailored to factor unique to each individual acquisition, such as the companies involved and the strategic aims behind the transaction, there are several key steps that will be applicable to most scenarios. For an in-depth look at these steps and other crucial elements of integration, as well as several insightful case studies, check out the full version of our exclusive analysis of post-deal integration.

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