Water Water wants to increase average bills by 26% to fund huge investment


Welsh Water is seeking to increase average bills by around 26% to £120 a year by 2030 to help fund a record £3.5bn investment programme to improve water quality and reduce leaks.

In line with other water companies in England, the not-for-profit company has submitted its next five year (2025-30) business plan to water regulator Ofwat, outlining how it would use increased bills to improve its infrastructure and water quality.

Welsh Water said the level of investment would be a 68% rise on the current plan to 2025. The proposed investment across water firms in England and Wales would amount to nearly £100bn. There have been increasing calls for water firms to address their ageing infrastructure and growing concerns over sewage discharges into rivers and the sea.

Welsh Water’s business plan has set out key aims, including:

  • Improving drinking water compliance and reducing by 57% contacts from customers about tap water quality ;
  • Reducing leakage by a quarter in its network (against 2019-20 baseline) and helping customers address leaks in their homes and businesses;
  • Reducing the total number of pollution incidents by 24%;
  • Work towards a ‘lead free Wales’ by replacing 7,500 customers’ lead pipes;
  • Delivering £42m of savings on operating costs through efficiencies and innovative ways of working;
  • Contributing £13m a year between 2025-30 to help maintain its social tariffs schemes and provide capacity to increase their coverage from 133,000 to 190,000 customers.

However, Welsh Water said to fund the programme the average monthly bill will need to be £5 higher in 2025 (£60 annually), and £10 (£120 annually) by 2030.

Its business plan says: “Average bills for household customers will increase from a forecast £463 in 2024/25 to £581 in 2029/30 (in 2022-23 prices, that is, not accounting for the impact of inflation), an increase of 26%.”

The company said that research has shown that 84% of customers find the plan acceptable.


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