Nearly four years ago, Disney’s streaming service Disney+ launched with a new Star Wars series called “The Mandalorian.” Helmed by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, the western-inspired sci-fi show captivated audiences and launched a new era of Star Wars storytelling.
Now in its third season, “The Mandalorian” has inspired Disney and Lucasfilm to invest in more live-action and animated long-form content in the Star Wars universe. This includes “The Bad Batch,” “Kenobi,” “The Book of Boba Fett” and “Andor.”
And there’s more to come. On Tuesday, Favreau, also known for starring in “Swingers” and “PCU,” as well as directing the first two “Iron Man” movies, sat down with CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla to talk streaming, storytelling and crafting this new generation of Star Wars.
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