Want the Best Sleep of Your Life? These Hotels Are Determined to Give It to You


WHEN I HEARD that a new crop of hotel and spa programs had emerged with sleepless travelers in mind, I was intrigued. I was one of the many people who, at the height of the pandemic, started losing sleep—and I’ve been charging forward without dedicated rest ever since. As I write this, I am six months pregnant, wrapping up one of the most high-pressure projects of my career and have just returned from two decidedly non-restful trips.

In search of a sleep-focused staycation, I looked close to home. The team at Equinox Hotels, which opened its first outpost in New York City in 2019, spent two years working with experts to create temperature-regulating mattresses, soundproof walls and a program of wind-down exercises for its rooms. Meditation videos come preloaded on the TVs, and a “Sleep Well Menu” includes drinks imbued with ashwagandha (a substance that purportedly improves sleep) and charcoal (ditto). If all that doesn’t knock you out, you can raid the health-centered minibar for CBD and magnesium cream, or pull out the yoga mat and fold into a child’s pose.

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