VOBA Fifth Annual Outdoor Economy Summit and Member Meeting Nov 2


Register for VOBA’s Outdoor Economy Summit today!

VOBA Fifth Annual Outdoor Economy Summit and Member Meeting 
Thursday, November 2nd from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
HULA, 50 Lakeside Avenue, Burlington

Join this networking event with 125 Vermont outdoor businesses, organizations, service providers, and policymakers to envision our future outdoor economy. 

  • Keynote speakers will acknowledge the social and economic impact of the fast growing outdoor economy in Vermont’s communities;
  • Panel speakers will highlight entrepreneurship and career pathways, conservation and recreation infrastructure, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives;
  • Discussions will identify opportunities for growing outdoor businesses and informing policy issues related to the outdoor economy;
  • The ceremony for the third annual Trailblazer Legacy Award will honor the historical and long-lasting contributions of an industry leader; and,
  • Don’t miss the closing reception with views of Lake Champlain!

Find the full agenda and speakers and workshop descriptions.

Register and we’ll see you on November 2nd!

The cost of registration for VOBA members is offered at a sliding scale between $25 – $75. Registration for non-members is $50 and membership can be added for $125.

2022 photos by Katie Palatucci

Remarks from State Treasurer Mike Pieciak at the VOBA Summit

Hear remarks from State Treasurer Mike Pieciak on November 2. Learn how outdoor recreation is viewed alongside climate and energy as notable sectors in boosting labor force participation and economic growth as well as why tourism and manufacturing are resilient industries.

Workshops at the VOBA Summit

Conservation, Recreation, and Business Collaborations for the Outdoors: 30 by 30 and Other Opportunities

Join this introductory conversation between Vermont’s conservation, recreation, and economy stakeholders which will foster relationship building and education through shared perspectives and values. 

Hear from organizations about their missions and roles in projects, planning, and policymaking that address climate change and forest fragmentation by advancing goals in community resilience, biodiversity protection, and stewardship. Lend your experiences on how businesses have managed and supported natural landscapes and recreation assets that are valued for biodiversity, access by all Vermonters and visitors, and as business opportunities driving rural economies.

Learn about organizing opportunities moving forward, specifically a public engagement process through 2025 that includes outreach to outdoor businesses in the development of a statewide plan for conserving 30% of Vermont’s lands and waters by 2030, as mandated by the Vermont Legislature. The discussion will begin to identify areas of alignment between conservation, recreation, and economic interests and next steps towards consensus building to enable effective advocacy and partnerships in the future.

Move Forward Together Vermont Business Conversation

Move Forward Together Vermont, is a groundbreaking planning process bringing together Vermont’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) with the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) Action Plan to develop a shared vision for Vermont’s outdoor recreation future with a set of priorities and action steps for the next five years. Outcomes will be used by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR), VOREC, and partners like VOBA to guide decisions about where to focus capacity and resources across the outdoor recreation landscape. 

Join this conversation to learn more about opportunities for outdoor businesses to shape a framework for Vermont’s outdoor industry. Lend your ideas on: Public and private sector financing mechanisms to generate sustainable revenue for recreation; Public and private sector marketing that promotes outdoor businesses and destinations; Partnerships on workforce development to support career pathways; and, Support for business development strategies such as technical assistance and financing for startups and enterprises led by under-represented communities.

The discussion will begin to identify: Opportunities to strengthen outdoor businesses; Measurable strategies that move the needle on economic development; and, Key business, government and multi-sector partnerships. 

Creative Ways to Generate and Amplify Brand Content

How do you build creative marketing campaigns and execute on them regardless of budget and size? How do you stay true to a brand identity, while also generating new content that pushes a brand forward? Join this workshop about storytelling, the logistics of creating diverse assets, and ways to get creative when it comes to tight budgets. A moderated panel conversation will generate ideas for extending the longevity of assets across multiple channels while continuing to nurture your core consumer. 

Facilitated breakout sessions will take the topics further on best practices for working with athletes, ambassadors and influencers, public relations and affiliate marketing, brand positioning for the changing retail landscape, and more. Bring your experiences and ideas!

Building Career Pathways and Businesses in Outdoor Communities

To remain competitive in a local and global marketplace, Vermont’s outdoor businesses need to recruit and retain a highly skilled and experienced workforce. Although finding talent has become increasingly difficult, companies anchored in Vermont’s outdoor communities are seeing workforce strategy as a successful business strategy. 

Hear from Vermont industry leaders in retail, manufacturing, and trail building on their business development based in innovation, stewardship, and customer service and the opportunities for career pathways now and into the future. What practices and partnerships are working? What continues to be challenging? Learn about efforts and plans by education and businesses to develop and offer technical training as well as the allure of Vermont’s recreation places and outdoor culture in attracting professionals and building businesses.

Advocating for Climate Resiliency in the Outdoor Sector

The outdoor industry lends an essential voice to policymaking on issues related to the outdoor economy. Join this workshop on ways that businesses and organizations have been involved in issues that affect their companies, employees, customers, and communities. Hear from businesses about their experiences advocating for flood recovery, conservation planning, recreation investments, and economic development.

Get a preview into the outdoor policy conversations in 2024 in Washington DC and Vermont. Bring your ideas to breakout sessions that will inform a climate resiliency platform for the outdoor industry involving flood recovery and climate mitigation, entrepreneurship, career pathways and marketing, and conservation, recreation, and community investments.

Remarks from Governor Phil Scott at the VOBA Summit

Hear remarks from Governor Scott on November 2. Learn more about the 2023 Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) Community Grant Program which is accepting applications to award $6 million to communities for strengthening their local outdoor recreation economies. Listen to the program webinar recording.

Senator Patrick Leahy Trailblazer Legacy Award at the VOBA Summit

Join us on November 2 for the presentation of the Third Annual Senator Patrick Leahy Trailblazer Award to Johannes von Trapp for his lifelong contributions to Vermont’s outdoor economy, landscape, and communities. The ceremony will be emceed by Lisa Lynn, Editor of Vermont Sports and VT Ski+Ride Magazines.

In 1958 Johannes von Trapp was looking for ways to spur winter business at the 27-bed lodge in Stowe run by his mother, Maria von Trapp. He purchased cross-country skis, hired an instructor from Norway, and began to groom trails using primitive equipment he fashioned from what was on hand. Today, the Trapp Family Lodge property includes 2,600 acres and more than 45 miles of trails used by skiers, snowshoers, hikers, mountain bikers. The Lodge and Outdoor Center serves as a hub for events and programs with adaptive athletes and connects to the von Trapp Bierhall, Slayton Pasture Cabin, and Kafffeehouse.

VOBA Board Elections at the VOBA Summit

As part of the VOBA Annual Meeting on November 2, VOBA members will elect Board Directors for two year terms. The 2023 slate includes: Drew Simmons from Pale Morning Media, Mike Schmidt from Velocity Sales and Marketing, Lisa Lynn from Vermont Sports / Vermont Ski+Ride Magazines, Corinne Prevot from Skida Headwear & Accessories, Marc Sherman from Outdoor Gear Exchange and Miguel Reda.

Thanks to Place Creative Company for VOBA’s 2023 Annual Report


Outdoor Gear and Clothing Repair at the VOBA Summit

Staff from The Sandbox, a no-bounds creator space that promotes sustainable action through creativity, community and curated experiences, will be onsite to fix jacket and pant holes, backpack mends, and zipper fixes during the summit. More complicated repairs or those requiring parts will be taken offsite for later pick up.

Sterling College students repaired fixed zippers, puffy coat holes, broken backpack straps, and seam failures during  last year’s event.

Become a Member of VOBA

In 2018, a Steering Committee of outdoor businesses established the Vermont Outdoor Business Alliance (VOBA) as a statewide, nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening, expanding, attracting, and retaining outdoor recreation economy businesses in Vermont. Business roundtables around the state coalesced the sector around needs in financing, workforce, infrastructure, and branding.

Since then, VOBA’s 120 members and partners such as the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) have been behind VOBA’s economic and social impact in building relationships, developing businesses, elevating the sector, advancing outdoor economy policy, and ensuring justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Looking ahead, we envision continued progress with VOBA’s strategic priorities in networking and education, business collaborations, and growing companies and careers. To expand programming in the areas of VOBA’s 3 – year strategic priorities and build a sustainable organization, VOBA relies on member contributions. Become a member today!



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