Joel Schlesinger © Postmedia Network Inc.
If you can’t beat them, join them.
Calgary’s V Strategies is putting a slightly different spin on this adage.
Instead of seeing artificial intelligence as a potential threat, the video production company sees a huge opportunity. It recently launched a new AI-focused company.
“The new firm’s name is 0260.AI — or zero to 60 dot AI,” says Jeff Bradshaw, president of V Strategies and 0260.AI. “It’s offering education for executives and business owners on this game-changing technology.”
V Strategies was introduced to the power of AI in an interesting way, Bradshaw says.
“We had been doing AI training videos for clients, which sparked a realization there was a knowledge gap.”
Bradshaw is familiar with how technology can change an industry.
“About 25 years ago, digital cameras were becoming more popular, with many in our industry arguing it would never match film because of its poor quality.”
Of course, everyone knows how that story turned out.
AI has already affected video production, too. Artificially generated voiceovers and other tools are increasingly commonplace. While not without flaws, these tools will only get better. For V Strategies, AI is indeed a double-edged sword. It can be a boon or bane.
“All of this led us to say, ‘Let’s get ahead of this and start a company helping organizations understand how AI can create efficiencies and help them grow.’ ”
While Bradshaw is knowledgeable, the new firm is led by AI expert Karl Yeh, who has extensive knowledge and experience and can build out 0260.AI’s offering beyond advice.
The new firm aims to partner with companies as terms such as ‘chief AI officer’ become a part of the corporate lexicon.
“In fact, we envision becoming that hired gun — AI chief — for clients.”
More than anything, 0260.AI wants to help businesses fret less and embrace AI instead.
“Rather than run from it, let’s run toward it and take advantage of it.”
This story was created by Content Works, Postmedia’s commercial content division, on behalf of Calgary Economic Development.
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