US Argues Google Wants Too Much Information Kept Secret In Antitrust Trial – Slashdot


An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: The U.S. Justice Department on Monday objected to removing the public from the court during some discussions of how Google prices online advertising, one of the issues at the heart of the antitrust trial under way in Washington. The government is seeking to show that Alphabet’s Google broke antitrust law to maintain its dominance in online search. The search dominance led to fast-increasing advertising revenues that made Google a $1 trillion company. [Throughout the trial, Google’s defense is that its high market share reflects the quality of its product rather than any illegal actions to build monopolies in some aspects of its business.]

David Dahlquist, speaking for the government, pointed to a document that was redacted that had a short back and forth about Google’s pricing for search advertising. Dahlquist then argued to Judge Amit Mehta, who will decide the case, that information like the tidbit in the document should not be redacted. “This satisfies public interest because it’s at the core of the DOJ case against Google,” he said. Speaking for Google, John Schmidtlein urged that all discussions of pricing be in a closed session, which means the public and reporters must leave the courtroom. […]

Case in point was testimony given early Monday by a Verizon executive, Brian Higgins, about the company’s decision to always pre-install Google’s Chrome browser with Google search on its mobile phones. After about 30 minutes of testimony, Higgins’ testimony was closed for the next two hours. It’s possible that he was asked about Google’s payments to Verizon but the public will never know. Those payments — which the government said are $10 billion annually to mobile carriers and others — helped the California-based tech giant win powerful default positions on smartphones and elsewhere.


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