A young man took a loan of N80 to go into car business and within a few months the business went down completely. We often limit ourselves by our ignorance. You need a certain level of knowledge to succeed in any field. Look for those who have been there before you and learn the pros and cons so you can operate without limit.
A lot of people are also limited in their health. The fall of Adam and Eve was catalysed by ignorance. The serpent said if they ate the fruit they would become like God. They were ignorant of the fact that we are made in the image of God and so we have the same attribute and potential with Him. If a child lacks understanding of who he is, he will be treated as a servant. But when he is mature and comes to point of knowledge, he will understand his true identity and will never be limited.
Another power that can limit a man in life is the power of foundation. When God told Abraham to leave his father’s house, He meant that he should leave his foundation where they served the moon god. Many of us today are troubled by our foundation and if you don’t deal with it, it will deal with you.
Matthew 7:24-27 tells us of two men who built houses. One built on a solid foundation while the other built upon sand. The first man must have spent time, energy, money and other resources while the second man spent less. The two houses came out looking good and no one could tell the difference until they went through storm. If you don’t deal with your foundation, when the storms of life will come, you will not be able to stand.
As a Christian, don’t compare yourself with another Christian who has a lineage of pastors as father, grandfather and even great-grandfather. His foundation has been settled and he is sure to have an easy Christian ride. When he speaks the word, things happen. For you who probably come from an idolatry background, you have a lot of work to do – evil covenants, dedications and curses to be broken.
You have to spend more time seeking the face of God to undo all that your fathers have done in their ignorance. You are trying to lay a new foundation for generations after you; so you need deep prayers. Psa. 11:3 says, if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? It is your foundation that holds your faith and Christian life hence you need to learn to deal with a faulty foundation.
It is the foundation of a building that determines the height that the building will reach. If the foundation is not solid, the building will crumble.
Prayer points:
• Every form of limitation in my life expire in Jesus’ name.
• O Lord, damage my ignorance by fire.
• Father, destroy every foundation of idolatry in my life in Jesus’ name.
• Every foundation of polygamy that wants to trouble my marriage, be scattered in Jesus’ name.
• By the blood of Jesus, I destroy every wrong foundation handed over to me.
• Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. dtimchurch@gmail.com. Prayer line: +2348135952623
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