Do you have a business trip scheduled sometime in the near future? Travelling for business can be a great opportunity to expand your professional network, build relationships with clients and colleagues, and even gain new insights into your industry.
Travelling for business is also a great way to expand your personal horizons and explore new cultures, which can never be a bad thing!
However, with that said, travelling for business also comes with its own set of challenges, including navigating unfamiliar places, managing schedules, and balancing work with personal time. Luckily, we’re here to make things infinitely easier for you in this handy guide.
Today, we will discuss the top business travel dos and don’ts. Read on to find out more!
Business Travel Dos:
Plan In Advance
Planning ahead is key when it comes to successfully travelling for business. Before you leave, make sure you have all the necessary documents, such as your passport, visa, and any other required travel documents.
We recommend applying for necessary visas and other documents well in advance, to avoid any potential delays or disruptions to your plans. It’s also always a good idea to double check your Canberra accommodation and rental car bookings (if applicable), to ensure that everything runs smoothly once you touch down.
You know what they say, it’s a lot better to be safe than sorry!
Be Respectful Of Other Cultures
When travelling for business, it’s important to be respectful of local customs and cultural norms. Take the time to learn about the culture of your destination, and be mindful of any differences that may affect your interactions with local colleagues and clients.
This also includes adhering to appropriate dress codes in countries you are visiting. For example, in certain countries such as Dubai, women are required to dress modestly, keeping arms and legs covered.
Doing some prior research into your travel destination and learning some of the local customs and business etiquette will help you to build stronger relationships and avoid any potential misunderstandings along your way!
Be Punctual For Appointments & Meetings
One of the most important things to keep in mind when travelling for business is, of course, punctuality. Unsurprisingly, punctuality is a sign of respect for others’ time and commitments.
Arriving on time shows that you value their time and are reliable, which can help to build trust and strengthen professional relationships. Being late for meetings, appointments, or other events is unprofessional and can damage your reputation, making it vital that you plan ahead to ensure you arrive on time.
If you are unsure of how long it will take you to get from Point A to Point B, we recommend using tools such as Google Maps that allow you to set your departure or arrival time and get an estimation of how long your route will take.
Google Maps will also take real-time traffic conditions into consideration, allowing you to ensure that you never miss a beat.
Stay Organised
Staying organised is critical for managing your time and resources effectively while travelling for business.
To ensure that you’re on top of your schedule, be sure to make use of a planner or any other organisation tool to keep track of your meetings, appointments, and other important information.
By having a clear plan and schedule, you can ensure that you are using your time efficiently and effectively.
Follow Company Policies & Procedures
When travelling for business, it is important to ensure you are familiar with your company’s policies regarding business travel, and follow them closely.
This may include policies regarding expenses, travel arrangements, and communication with colleagues and clients. By following established policies and procedures, you can ensure that your actions and decisions are consistent with the company’s overall goals and values.
Most importantly, adhering to company policies and procedures can help you avoid any potential conflicts or misunderstandings with your employer, which can never be a bad thing.
Business Travel DON’Ts:
One of the biggest mistakes that many business travellers (or people in general) make is overpacking their bags. When you pack more than you need, not only are you inconveniencing yourself by lugging around kilos and kilos of unnecessary items, but you may also end up taking a lot more time to get through the airport than you would like.
Getting through security checks, finding storage space on the plane or hailing a taxi can be a lot more stress-inducing when you have to carry a 30 kilo bag, for obvious reasons.
Not to mention, the last thing you want is to be charged extra fees for excess baggage. By heeding this advice, your trip will be a lot quicker and less stressful when you pack lightly. You’ll thank us later.
Behave Unprofessionally
This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it is definitely something still worth mentioning. The last thing you should do when travelling for business is behave unprofessionally, whether that is at the airport, hotel or during business meetings and appointments.
Behaving unprofessionally during business travel will inevitably have a negative impact on your reputation and relationships with clients, colleagues, and other business partners. This is especially important if you are representing a company or organisation, where unprofessional behaviour can and will reflect poorly on them.
A good starting point to maintaining your professionalism when travelling for business is to ensure you dress appropriately for your meetings and appointments, and be polite and courteous to everyone you encounter.
Moreover, a little kindness goes a long way, and you never know what opportunities may come your way when you behave in a poised and professional manner.
Forget To Bring A Travel Adaptor
It is important to bring a travel adaptor when you travel for business because electrical outlets and voltage standards can vary by country.
Many countries have different types of plugs and sockets that may not be compatible with your electronic devices, such as your laptop, phone, or other equipment.
Without a travel adaptor, you may not be able to charge your devices, which could limit your ability to work, communicate with colleagues, or access important information.
The last thing you want is to reach your hotel room, only to find out that you’re unable to charge your phone or laptop, or have to resort to spending money on purchasing new chargers. Thankfully, travel adaptors are relatively affordable, with many models even featuring USB ports that allow you to charge a wide variety of gadgets and devices.
Neglect Your Health
Taking care of your health during business travel is important to ensure that you can perform at your best during the trip. Depending on your destination, you may even encounter issues such as jetlag, which can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule and overall health.
To ensure that you are in tip top shape, it is vital to avoid neglecting your health. This means getting adequate amounts of sleep, eating healthy meals, staying hydrated and managing stress by practising mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation.
If you have the chance, we also recommend scheduling some time for physical activity to help you maintain your energy and reduce stress during your business trip. This can be as simple as taking a walk around the local neighbourhood, using accommodation gym facilities, or just doing a quick workout or yoga routine in the comfort of your hotel room.
By following these tips, you can take care of your health during business travel and ensure that you are able to perform at your best during the trip.
Forget To Schedule Some Time For Relaxation
Lastly, you know what they say – all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Travelling for business can be stressful and tiring, especially when you are constantly on the move, attending meetings, and trying to keep up with work responsibilities.
This is where carving out some time for some much needed R&R can be a great idea.
By scheduling time for relaxation, you can reduce stress levels and improve your overall well-being. We recommend using your downtime during business travel to visit local sights and attractions, read, or simply just relax in your hotel room.
Why not try out a local restaurant or treat yourself to a massive scoop of ice cream? Relaxation means different things for different people, so be sure to find something that allows you to chill out, recharge and reduce stress.
And there you have it – the ultimate list of do’s and don’ts that are guaranteed to propel your next business trip to further success.
We hope that this list has given you a few new ideas and thinking points that you can take on board for successful business travel, time and time again. All the best and safe travels!
What are some of your personal tips for business travel? Be sure to share your ideas and suggestions in the comments section below!
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