If you are a construction professional, building can be a hazardous business. Unstable ladders can fall with workers on them. If you drill in the wrong place it can cause flooding. Bricks, mortar, roofing equipment and tiles can fall on people passing by. Faulty wiring can cause fires..or, perhaps you are a gardener, and have valuable yard ornaments.
Or you hit your foot with a garden spade. Things like this would be covered if you had tradesman insurance, which protects people in skilled trades that work as subcontractors or even with a company. With an insurance policy for tradesman, you can assure that your tools would be covered as well as injuries to yourself and others around you. Because life happens, and your business doesn’t have to suffer losses as a result of accidents and breakage of tooling and equipment.
Chiefly found in the UK, tradesman insurance is beneficial for anyone in the trades of builders, catering, electrician, gardeners, plumbers, landscapers, tilers, window cleaners, plasterers, and cleaners, too. People who work in these fields and wish to take out a tradesman insurance policy should understand everything that is covered in the policy before applying for coverage. Also, anyone considering working in these fields should take out an active policy before starting on a worksite or signing an agreement to perform labor in high risk situations.
With a tradesman insurance policy, most companies will require you to be free of criminal records, so it is a great idea to check the guidelines for applying either in person or on the website. Go with a reputable broker who can explain each facet of your job duties with you and compare the best prices and coverage details with you as well. Some of the policyholder websites will allow you to view a standard policy document which outlines the tools, situations, injuries and amounts that your policy will cover you for, along with any deductibles that you may have to pay. Never, under any circumstances, sign an insurance document that you have no understand of; make the agent explain any verbiage that may not be common to you. And understand that each trade is assessed on its own merits and the premiums vary accordingly, so don’t let an agent tell you that all policies have the same price because no one single trade is the same.
If you have grown up with a skill that you both love and work well at, pursue those dreams. From cake decorators to computer repair personnel, concrete workers to landscapers, all trades should have an affordable tradesman insurance policy in place for the protection of their bodies and the environment in which they work.