Οn March 27, In Tashkent and in the course of the final conference of the MOST Switch Asia project APINTECH will be presenting the simple technological solution for HCMI certification of hotel enterprises. Mrs Natalia Volkova the Honorary Consul of Cyprus in Tashkent, Uzbekistan will attend the event.
HCMI (Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative) is a galloping voluntary certification approach, currently used by 30.000 hotels globally for factual reporting of their carbon footprint. It is a simple and powerful approach in the broader ESG (environment, society & governance) arena. It is worth keeping in mind that ESG (and practical implementations such as HCMI) is not just some ecological romance; it is now hard business, strongly endorsed by the likes of BlackRock, the major asset management of the world.
There are several hundreds of hotels in Central Asia that have been introduced via MOST and are now using our cloud HCMI software. We are looking forward to a permanent delivery of the solution in the area in cooperation with APTA, the Uzbek Association of Tourism Enterprises as well as other MOST partners.
Check out our 1 min video, ask for a practical demo and a quote for setting up HCMI and other related environmental standards in your tourism business in Cyprus and beyond.
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