The Bottom Line – subscribe to the business of football newsletter


Want to find out what goes on behind the scenes of the beautiful game? The Business of Football brings you exclusive reporting on the issues affecting the future of football.

Dave Powell, the Liverpool ECHO’s football business reporter will be keeping newsletter subscribers informed and doing deep dives into the business of Liverpool FC, Everton FC and other Premier League clubs.

This weekly newsletter, the Bottom Line, will bring you all the happenings at the biggest clubs, at home and abroad, interviews with the people who make the big decisions behind the scenes as well as shining a light on what is happening in the world of technology, media and finance that could have a lasting impact on the game and how we consume in in the future.

The business of football has never been so widely covered, nor has it ever been so important. Gone are the days when supporters only needed to know the starting XI on a matchday, now possessing more knowledge about what happens away from the lush green grass means fans can make more informed decisions when it comes to who is running their football clubs and where they are heading.

And Dave is perfectly placed to bring subscribers the inside track from industry leaders, with his extensive book of contacts from around the world.

So, for the latest news on the finances of Premier League clubs from Dave Powell, you can subscribe.

The Bottom Line is currently offering 50% off annual subscriptions.

You can sign up to read exclusive content from Dave Powell via The Bottom Line newsletter by subscribing here.


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