Opinion | Putin, Xi and One Dead Pope

[ad_1] Russia and China want to replace the West. Benedict wanted to save it. [ad_2] Source link

Opinion | Pope Benedict XVI, 1927-2022

[ad_1] A papacy dedicated to the interplay between reason and faith. [ad_2] Source link

Opinion | The Quiet Genius of Pope Benedict XVI

[ad_1] Opinion Commentary The ‘pope between the times’ had an unshakable faith that complemented his luminescent intellect. [ad_2] Source link

Argentina in World Cup Final Gives Tired Nation a Reason to Celebrate

[ad_1] BUENOS AIRES—In a working-class neighborhood of dirt streets and broken sidewalks, Pablo Martínez donned the white-and-blue jersey of Argentina’s national team to grill chicken at a soup kitchen he…

Opinion | The Reason for Chile’s Downward Spiral

[ad_1] Leaders promised unrealistic living standards, and the people believed them. [ad_2] Source link