MHA: Dangers of the Christmas overspend – Aberdeen Business News

[ad_1] by Michael Reid, partner at MHA  EVERYONE wants to enjoy this time of year, which tends to mean a little more expenditure than normal as the cares of the…

Claim that predicted £45m overspend is down to ‘nonsensical’ budget

[ad_1] The overspend – part of an overall £68m budget gap predicted by Bradford Council, was discussed at a meeting of the Council’s Executive on Tuesday. Councillor Mike Pollard (Cons,…

$1.99 vs. $2: How our “left-digit bias” makes us overspend

[ad_1] Browse through any store or online retailer and you’ll see that prices ending in “.99” are extremely common. It’s a tried-and-true sales tactic that’s been used for at least…

Why It’s Now Easier to Underestimate Your Expenses and Overspend

[ad_1] Many people have a gap between what they think they spend and what they actually spend. This gap has widened recently. [ad_2] Source link