Omnibus tax bill could burden New Mexico business

[ad_1] When legislators pass an omnibus bill, the word “omnibus” hints that there’s something for everyone. The omnibus tax bill that recently passed the House covers a lot of ground,…

Levy: The $1.7 trillion federal omnibus disaster | Long Island Business News

[ad_1] You would think that with inflation reaching a 40 year high that our leaders in Washington would get the hint to stop spending like drunken sailors. But alas, that…

Opinion | GOP Rebels Need to Take the Win

[ad_1] New rule changes will restore the House. Further demands are a recipe for chaos. [ad_2] Source link

‘Secure 2.0’ clears Congress as part of omnibus appropriations bill, will bring more changes to U.S. retirement system

[ad_1] Michael Godek | Moment | Getty Images Three years after the Secure Act of 2019 ushered in the first major changes to the U.S. retirement system in more than…

Opinion | How Senate Republicans Can Prevent a Future Omnibus Spending Bill

[ad_1] To keep pork and pet projects from holding national security hostage, use budget reconciliation. [ad_2] Source link

Opinion | The Back End of an Omnibus

[ad_1] GOP complicity with the spending blowout is one reason it is still in the Senate minority. [ad_2] Source link

Opinion | Congress’s Omnibus Healthcare Malpractice

[ad_1] The spending bill includes major policy changes that will expand entitlements. [ad_2] Source link

Title 42 Fight Stalls Passage of Omnibus Spending Bill

[ad_1] Senate Republicans seek a vote on the immigration measure as a weekend deadline nears to fund the government and avert a shutdown. [ad_2] Source link

Opinion | An Omnibus Bailout for Sanctuary Cities

[ad_1] Opinion Review & Outlook As northern Democratic cities are besieged, Chuck Schumer and the Senate hand out $785 million. [ad_2] Source link

Opinion | The Ugliest Omnibus Bill Ever

[ad_1] Opinion Review & Outlook Congress will pass a 4,155-page bill most Members will never read. [ad_2] Source link