Frackers Increase Spending but See Limited Gains

[ad_1] U.S. oil and gas producers raked in profits last year, but inflation and inventory cloud 2023 prospects. [ad_2] Source link

U.S. Regains Its Energy Clout as Ukraine War Enters Second Year

[ad_1] A year of war in Ukraine has highlighted the return of oil as a source of U.S. financial influence and geopolitical power, with the West shunning most Russian energy.…

Peacetime Would Be a Black Swan Event For Energy

[ad_1] The “Russia question,” what role the country’s fossil fuels might play in peacetime, may not be the most pressing issue for energy bosses and the investors backing them. But…

Natural-Gas Prices Plunge, and Drillers Dial Back

[ad_1] Markets Commodities Gas Markets Prices for the fuel have fallen by two-thirds since mid-December [ad_2] Source link

WSJ News Exclusive | Chesapeake to Sell Shale Oil Assets to Chemical Maker Ineos for $1.4 Billion

[ad_1] WSJ News Exclusive Business Deal is expected to be British chemical maker Ineos’s first in upstream U.S. oil and gas, coming as Chesapeake increases its focus on natural gas…

Europe’s Gas-Price Ceiling Already Shows Cracks

[ad_1] The region’s new price cap manages to look both risky and pointless at the same time. [ad_2] Source link

Natural Gas: Fasten Your Seat Belts

[ad_1] Markets Heard on the Street The buffers that keep America’s natural-gas price fluctuations at bay are eroding [ad_2] Source link

WSJ News Exclusive | Chevron Explores Algerian Gas Plans Amid Russian Sanctions

[ad_1] The oil giant is in talks to clinch a deal in the North African nation that holds bigger shale resources than the U.S. [ad_2] Source link

Oil Industry’s Windfall Fails to Excite Wall Street

[ad_1] The biggest Western oil companies, Exxon, Chevron and Shell, have delivered record profits, but investors are still wary. [ad_2] Source link

Energy CEO Fights Climate Science. And LinkedIn. North Face, Too.

[ad_1] Liberty Energy CEO rails against what he says is an alarmist call for a transition away from fossil fuels. [ad_2] Source link