Makiivka attack: Could mobile phones have revealed Russian location?

[ad_1] Russia says mobile phone signals gave their troops’ position away before a Ukrainian attack. [ad_2] Source link

Fair Market opens west-side location

[ad_1] Dec. 29, 2022 Fair Market has brought its reduced-price grocery model to the west side. The new neighborhood satellite location is at 523 N. Kiwanis Ave. and serves an…

Ribbon Cut For New Location Of Greene Hemp Co.

[ad_1] Ribbon Cut For New Location Of Greene Hemp Co.  Greeneville Sun [ad_2] Source link

China Halts Location Tracking App as Covid Restrictions Fall

[ad_1] World Asia China Some residents say they have seen a surge in Covid cases even as official daily tallies drop [ad_2] Source link

How Dubai’s strategic location is serving start-ups

[ad_1] Location is critical to the success of a start-up; it dictates the staffing pool, the cost of premises, as well as local taxes and government incentives, including business support…