SIFC to act as a catalyst transforming country’s economy

[ad_1] In recent times, the economic landscape in Pakistan has witnessed a groundbreaking transformation with the advent of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC). The significance of this initiative cannot…

The gas saga

[ad_1] The gas saga – Opinion  Business Recorder [ad_2] Source link

Estimation of the quarterly GDP

[ad_1] Pakistan has committed to the IMF in the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, as part of the Stand-by Facility, that by end of November 2023, the Pakistan Bureau…

Next IMF programme is not going to be easy

[ad_1] The IMF review is ongoing, and it’s likely to sail through, as all the quantitative targets have been met. The potential issue could be the transition to the next…

Developing countries and the challenge of fiscal space

[ad_1] Developing countries, in general, are faced with a serious lack of fiscal space to make needed investments to reach a much-needed resilient economy in view of a fast-unfolding existential…

Important global economic challenges

[ad_1] Decades of neoliberal assault of advocating greater market fundamentalism, and lesser government regulation produced a global financial and economic order with serious resilience, and equity issues, which were glaringly…

Poverty on the rise

[ad_1] Poverty levels have risen from 34.2 percent in 2022 to 39.4 percent in 2023, pushing 12.5 million people below the poverty line as per data shared by World Bank…

IMF’s policy needs deeper political economic thinking

[ad_1] ‘“Escalating protests in Pakistan against rising costs linked to IMF demands, which follow similar protests in other countries, should serve as a wake-up call to the IMF ahead of…