Humanity’s Future or an Unwelcome Interloper: SpaceX’s Starbase Transforms a Corner of Texas 

[ad_1] Elon Musk’s sprawling SpaceX facility has transformed the area, dividing residents. [ad_2] Source link

Gomez: Connect Humanity’s South Texas small business broadband fund is a great initiative – Rio Grande Guardian

[ad_1] Alberto Gomez Isassi speaks at an event held at the eBridge Center for Business & Commercialization in Brownsville, Texas. (Photo: RGG/Steve Taylor) Thank you, Jordana. I really appreciate all…

Humanity’s Ancestors Nearly Died Out, Genetic Study Suggests – Slashdot

[ad_1] Researchers in China have found evidence suggesting that 930,000 years ago, the ancestors of modern humans suffered a massive population crash. They point to a drastic change to the…

Humanity’s big problem: luxury carbon consumption, not population

[ad_1] An easy way to start a long, heated debate is to mention global population. Thomas Malthus famously ignited furious arguments in the nineteenth century when he warned that, absent fertility-control policies,…

Can humanity’s new giant leap into space succeed?

[ad_1] Humanity is set for its next big leap into space with nations and private companies racing to build outposts on other worlds [ad_2] Source link