Victims of anti-gay laws in France could be compensated under new bill

[ad_1] France’s Senate is to debate a draft law on Wednesday that would allow people convicted under anti-gay laws before 1982 to receive financial compensation. ADVERTISEMENT Michel Chomarat was arrested…

Will misgendering someone soon become a criminal offense in Germany?

[ad_1] That’s what some social media users and news outlets believe. The Cube fact-checked these claims. Numerous social media users and certain websites claim the German government recently passed a…

Italian general fired for homophobic remarks a relic, say officers

[ad_1] A general at the top of Italy’s armed forces bashed gay people in a recent publication. But LGBTQ+ activists and officers tell Euronews that, despite ongoing challenges, the situation…

Italian general’s self published book stirs controversy

[ad_1] Two weeks after his book titled ‘The World Upside Down’ was released, Italian general Roberto Vannacci has been removed from his military post and has sparked a national debate…

Can sports stars who play in Saudi Arabia still be LGBTQ+ allies?

[ad_1] By Andrew Naughtie, Euronews Published on 12/08/2023 – 09:00 Whether or not Liverpool player Jordan Henderson can still be considered a supporter of LGBTQ+ rights will hinge on whether his…