Groupe Casino: Convening of Casino shareholders and creditors as affected parties to vote on the accelerated safeguard plans; Availability of the draft accelerated safeguard plans Update of the Consortium’s business plan

[ad_1] Convening of Casino shareholders and creditors as affected parties to vote on the accelerated safeguard plans Availability of the draft accelerated safeguard plans Update of the Consortium’s business plan…

Groupe Casino: Update of 2023 forecasts and update of 2024-2028 business plan of the French perimeter

[ad_1] Update of 2023 forecasts and update of 2024-2028 business plan of the French perimeter Paris, 22 November 2023 Casino Group has today published a presentation on its website relating…

Casino Group: Update BP 2024-2028

[ad_1] Reminder of 2023 forecasts and communication on Groupe Casino’s updated 2024-2028 business plan Paris, 20 September 2023 Casino Group today posted a presentation on the company’s website1 regarding the…

Casino Group Communication

[ad_1] Proposals made by the Casino group to the stakeholders in the conciliation proceedings Paris, 28 June 2023 Summary of the Group’s financial debt structure In addition to its operating…