CTS cyber-attack: Disruption to home sales now over

[ad_1] Services from CTS have been restored, but homebuyers who were affected can complain to an ombudsman. [ad_2] Source link

Homebuyers’ stress over impact of CTS cyber-attack

[ad_1] Property completions were affected after the IT services provider was hit more than three weeks ago. [ad_2] Source link

Today’s Business: CT’s Home Improvement Act offers formula for smooth contracting jobs

[ad_1] Whether you hire a contractor to undertake a major or minor home improvement project, it is important to take time before work begins to make sure your rights are…

Opinion: Higher education has a duty to help solve CT’s labor shortage

[ad_1] The Connecticut Business and Industry Association 2023 Survey of Connecticut Businesses found a lot to be positive about, including the state’s fiscal strength and the budget surplus. In addition,…

CTS Eventim Launches New Company In Switzerland – Pollstar News

[ad_1] The faces of TAKK ab Entertainment (from left): Sebastien Vuignier, André Béchir, and Théo Quiblier. Uniting three generations of promoters, CTS Eventim announced the launch of TAKK ab Entertainment…

Opinion: CT’s health plan bill levels playing field for small business

[ad_1] Connecticut lawmakers have numerous opportunities this year to provide meaningful, long-term support for the state’s small businesses which, unfortunately, can be undermined by legislative changes to tax policy and…

Susan Campbell (opinion): CT’s rich aren’t going anywhere

[ad_1] We are puttering past brightly colored stucco mansions that line a Florida canal, motoring slowly in our rented boat because signs say there are manatees about. When we see…

US SBA names CEO of Manchester firm CT’s Business Person of the Year

[ad_1] The head of a growing Manchester company with roots at the University of Connecticut and clients around the globe has been named the federal Small Business Administration’s business person…