Arrogant Germany is incapable of saving itself

[ad_1] Sewing correctly argued that his countrymen had, for too long, erroneously held “the idea that the economy will continue to run itself and that we don’t have to do…

The main risks to Britain’s economy in 2024 come from geopolitical uncertainty

[ad_1] The purchasing managers’ index, an authoritative business leaders’ survey, suggests private sector output expanded in December for the second month running. The latest economy-wide composite PMI survey reads 51.7,…

Recession, interest rates and the markets: my predictions for 2024

[ad_1] Now is a good time to lock in higher bond yields. The maximum opportunity may have already passed but it’s not too late for bond investors.  Cash should continue…

AGCC comment as Scottish Government overlooks business concerns and hikes tax – Aberdeen Business News

[ad_1] ABERDEEN & Grampian Chamber of Commerce has commented that the Scottish Government has cast aside the concerns of businesses and increased income tax for higher earners. Finance Secretary Shona…

Milei is doing what Britain should have done a long time ago

[ad_1] Whether it works or not remains to be seen. Investors so far seem pleased enough, with the IMF, which is owed more than $40bn (£31bn) by Argentina, approving of…

My heat pump experience in France

[ad_1] The UK has had a £5,000 subsidy since April 2022. This rose to £7,500 in October, one of the world’s most generous. It has not yet caught on, either…

Overzealous banks are squeezing the remaining life out of British business

[ad_1] In an unprecedented move, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has urged the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to intervene over what it describes as “harsh” banking practices that it…

Business licensing policy up for public comment

[ad_1] Monday, December 11, 2023 Cabinet has considered and approved the draft National Business Licensing Policy for public comments. This is according to Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni who…

Time is too short for Britain to start building its own weapons

[ad_1] Some can see the need: all across Europe and the UK, arms companies are salivating at the idea that their governments will sink huge sums into developing, from scratch,…

The German economic model has been destroyed by its own hubris

[ad_1] With that cut off, costs have soared, hollowing out the industrial base. Even worse, Germany complacently closed down its nuclear industry, and refuses to contemplate fracking (even though the…