Climate, global governance, and technology | Brookings

[ad_1] There is no single view or ideology at Brookings, the patriotism I have observed is not of the ‘nationalistic’ type but reflects a predominant conviction that American excellence benefits…

What is a government shutdown? And why are we likely to have another one? | Brookings

[ad_1] Congress appears to be on track to trigger a government shutdown on October 1, 2023, because it is not expected to pass the 12 appropriations bills that fund government…

Congress eyes establishing a digital regulator | Brookings

[ad_1] A sectoral regulator for digital industries is an idea whose time seems to be coming. In 2019, ​​​Harold Feld​, Senior Vice President of Public Knowledge, ​​called on legislators to pass…

Related businesses and preservation of Medicare’s Medical Loss Ratio rules | Brookings

[ad_1] Vertical integration in health care is increasing rapidly. National health insurers are in the midst of restructuring the organization of health care financing and delivery by acquiring upstream providers…