Spring 2024 Adult Announcements: Business & Economics


Exposés of corporate chicanery, reports on women in the workplace, and programs for making offices more inviting for employees from marginalized backgrounds feature prominently among this season’s offerings.

Top 10

The Everything War: Amazon’s Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power

Dana Mattioli. Little, Brown, Apr. 23 ($30, ISBN 978-0-316-26977-3)

Journalist Mattioli probes how Amazon’s aggressive tactics drove it to the top of the retail market.

Holding It Together: How Women Became America’s Social Safety Net

Jessica Calarco. Portfolio, June 4 ($30, ISBN 978-0-593-53812-8)

America’s welfare system leaves working-class women overworked and underpaid, contends sociologist Calarco.

On the Edge: How Successful Gamblers Think and What It Tells Us About Navigating Risk

Nate Silver. Penguin Press, June 4 ($32, ISBN 978-1-59420-412-8)

FiveThirtyEight founder Silver expounds on how fondness for numbers and comfort with uncertainty drive hedge fund managers, professional poker players, and other risk takers.

The Profiteers: How Business Privatizes Profits and Socializes Costs

Christopher Marquis. PublicAffairs, May 14 ($30, ISBN 978-1-5417-0352-0)

Corporations must be reformed and held accountable for the consequences of their low wages and disregard for the environment, argues Cambridge University business professor Marquis.

Shock Values: Prices and Inflation in American Democracy

Carola Binder. Univ. of Chicago, May 21 ($35, ISBN 978-0-226-83309-5)

A Haverford College economics professor analyzes how inflation and deflation panics have provoked major changes in the U.S. economy, including the introduction of paper currency.

The Stolen Wealth of Slavery: A Case for Reparations

David Montero. Legacy Lit, Feb. 6 ($30, ISBN 978-0-306-82717-4)

The forerunners of Bank of America and Citibank profited handsomely from financing American slavery, according to Montero’s history of the economic legacy of the “peculiar institution.”

Taming the Octopus: The Long Battle for the Soul of the Corporation

Kyle Edward Williams. Norton, Feb. 20 ($29.99, ISBN 978-0-393-86723-7)

Williams, senior editor of the Hedgehog Review, sheds light on how corporations’ social responsibility initiatives have been intended to deflect calls for greater accountability.

Token Supremacy: The Art of Finance, the Finance of Art, and the Great Crypto Crash of 2022

Zachary Small. Knopf, May 21 ($32, ISBN 978-0-593-53675-9)

New York Times reporter Small traces the NFT market from its inception during the Great Recession to its 2022 cratering. 50,000-copy announced first printing.

Twelve Cents on the Dollar: How Americans Made the Black-White Wealth Gap

Louise Story and Ebony Reed. Harper Business, May 21 ($32, ISBN 978-0-06-323472-7)

Journalists Story and Reed detail how financial institutions and government legislation created America’s racial wealth disparity and how an Atlanta-based digital banking platform founded by communities of color is seeking to ameliorate it.

Vulture Capitalism: Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts, and the Death of Freedom

Grace Blakeley. Atria, Mar. 12 ($30, ISBN 978-1-982180-85-0)

In this call to arms, British journalist and progressive activist Blakeley spotlights government policies that have rigged ostensibly open markets in favor of large corporations.

Business & Economics longlist


Financially Lit! The Modern Latina’s Guide to Level Up Your Dinero and Become Financially Poderosa by Jannese Torres (Apr. 30, $30, ISBN 978-1-5387-4166-5). The Yo Quiero Dinero podcaster outlines personal finance advice for Latinx readers and those in immigrant households. 50,000-copy announced first printing.


Growth: A History and a Reckoning by Daniel Susskind (Apr. 16, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-674-29449-3) argues that governments should consider the social and environmental impact of economic policy and be ready to deprioritize GDP growth when it conflicts with society’s values.


Run It Like a Business: Strategies for Arts Organizations to Increase Audiences, Remain Relevant, and Multiply Money—Without Losing the Art by Aubrey Bergauer (Feb. 6, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-63774-438-3) shares guidance on how arts-oriented nonprofits can expand their audience, boost revenue, and attract younger attendees.


The Canary Code: A Guide to Neurodiversity, Dignity, and Intersectional Belonging at Work by Ludmila Praslova (Apr. 2, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-5230-0584-0) showcases how successful organizations have improved working conditions for all by attending to the needs of neurodivergent employees.


The New Creatives: How AI Changes the Face of the Creative Industry by Seema Sharma (May 7, $30 trade paper, ISBN 978-90-6369-693-1). Written with the assistance of AI, this treatise contends the technology will change rather than supplant creative workers and examines how the software will affect client relationships.

Bloomsbury Business

Breaking the Rainbow Ceiling: What’s Holding LGBTQ+ People Back at Work and What We Can All Do About It by Layla McCay (May 21, $24 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-399-41076-2) proffers solutions on how to dismantle workplace obstacles that prevent LGBTQ individuals from reaching the executive suite.

Can Marketing Save the Planet? 101 Practical Ways to Use Sustainable Marketing as a Force for Good by Michelle Carvill and Gemma Butler (Mar. 19, $35, ISBN 978-1-399-41125-7) outlines strategies companies can use to encourage sustainable consumer habits.


The Social Justice Investor: Advance Your Values While Building Wealth by Andrea Longton (Apr. 23, $19.99 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-5064-8757-1) details how readers can align their investments with social and climate justice goals.

Chelsea Green

Wall Street’s War on Workers: How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the Working Class and What to Do About It by Les Leopold (Feb. 22, $28, ISBN 978-1-64502-233-6). Labor Institute cofounder Leopold argues that eliminating stock buybacks and altering executives’ pay structures can prevent companies from issuing mass layoffs.

Crown Currency

In This Economy? How Money and Markets Really Work by Kyla Scanlon (Apr. 30, $28, ISBN 978-0-593-72787-4) aims to provide an easy-to-understand overview of pressing economic issues, including the national debt, lingering recession fears, and how to make the labor market more worker-friendly.

Dey Street

The Trolls of Wall Street: How the Outcasts and Insurgents Are Hacking the Markets by Nathaniel Popper (June 11, $32.50, ISBN 978-0-06-320586-4) examines how an online faction of young men banded together to fight Wall Street, using Reddit and Robinhood to upend stock and crypto markets.


Investing in U.S. Financial History: Understanding the Past to Forecast the Future by Mark J. Higgins (Feb. 27, $44.95, ISBN 979-8-88645-134-4) delves into the history of the U.S. stock market to prepare investors to recognize bubbles, anticipate downturns, and better understand the forces shaping the economy.

Hachette Go

The 12-Week MBA: Learn the Skills You Need to Lead in Business Today by Bjorn Billhardt and Nathan Kracklauer (Feb. 6, $30, ISBN 978-0-306-83236-9) adapts the authors’ virtual 12-week MBA course for the page, offering guidance on how aspiring business leaders can hone their decision-making and people skills.


Just the Good Stuff: No-BS Secrets to Success (No Matter What Life Throws at You) by Jim VandeHei (Apr. 30, $28, ISBN 978-0-593-79637-5) relates how the journalist went from underperforming college student to cofounder of Politico and Axios, dispensing advice on choosing the right colleagues and navigating uncertainty. 75,000-copy announced first printing.

Harper Business

Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Wellbeing by Laura Mae Martin (Apr. 2, $32.50, ISBN 978-0-06-331744-4). Google’s executive productivity adviser shares tips on how to get more done more efficiently while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

Harvard Business Review

You Can’t Market Manure at Lunchtime: And Other Lessons from the Food Industry for Creating a More Sustainable Company by Maisie Ganzler (Apr. 2, $30, ISBN 978-1-64782-567-6) describes how businesses can go green without sacrificing their profits through case studies of companies that have done so successfully.

Harvard Univ.

Made in China: When U.S.–China Interests Converged to Transform Global Trade by Elizabeth O’Brien Ingleson (Mar. 19, $37.95, ISBN 978-0-674-25183-0) traces how in the 1970s such businesspeople as Susanne Reynolds, David Rockefeller, and Chao Jen Wang helped U.S. companies outsource their production to China.


Making Climate Tech Work: Policies That Drive Innovation by Alon Tal (June 13, $35 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-64283-338-6) studies how government policies in Australia, Denmark, Germany, and other countries have successfully incentivized the development and innovation of climate-friendly technology.

Kogan Page

Confident AI: The Essential Skills for Working with Artificial Intelligence by Andy Pardoe (July 30, $68, ISBN 978-1-398-61620-2) explains how AI works and provides guidance on how readers can incorporate the tech into their workplaces.

Take the Lead: How Women Leaders Are Driving Success Through Innovation by Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, Anne-Valérie Corboz, and Delphine Mourot (Feb. 27, $19.99 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-398-61412-3) profiles female executives at Morgan Stanley, Google, and other companies to show how women can get ahead in the workplace.

Little, Brown Spark

The Problem with Change: And the Essential Nature of Human Performance by Ashley Goodall (May 7, $30, ISBN 978-0-316-56027-6) argues that the tech world’s focus on “disruption” has obscured the value of stability in business, leading to burned-out employees and disorganized workplaces.

Melville House

Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis (Feb. 13, $19.99 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-68589-124-4). The economist contends that big tech companies constitute a new class of feudal lords who harvest data from their users, upending capitalist markets in the process.


Cracking the Bro Code by Coleen Carrigan (Apr. 9, $40 trade paper, ISBN 978-0-262-54705-5) delivers an ethnographic study of how racism and sexism in the tech industry leads to the exclusion of women, people of color, and nonbinary individuals from top jobs.


Graciously Assertive: How Becoming a Better Human Makes You a Better Leader by Yasmin Davidds (May 7, $27.95, ISBN 978-1-64065-699-4) expounds on how adopting an assertive yet compassionate communication style can advance businesswomen’s careers.


Starting and Building a Nonprofit: A Practical Guide by Peri Pakroo (Feb. 27, $35.99 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-4133-3151-6) provides assistance on navigating the challenges of launching a nonprofit, touching on budgeting, fund-raising, marketing, and staffing.

Penguin Books Canada

The Next Age of Uncertainty: How the World Can Adapt to a Riskier Future by Stephen Poloz (Feb. 27, $18.95 trade paper, ISBN 978-0-7352-4392-7). Poloz, a former Bank of Canada governor, opines on how business leaders and legislators can prepare for the challenges presented by aging workers, climate change, and rising income inequality.


Paper Soldiers: How the Weaponization of the Dollar Changed the World Order by Saleha Mohsin (Mar. 19, $30, ISBN 978-0-593-53911-8) examines how since the 1990s, the U.S. Treasury Department’s dedication to ensuring the strength of the dollar has shaped foreign policy while kneecapping the country’s manufacturing sector.

Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport (Mar. 5, $30, ISBN 978-0-593-54485-3) looks at how the work habits of Galileo, Jane Austen, Georgia O’Keeffe, and other noted artists and intellectuals can help readers get things done without stressing out.

Princeton Univ.

Monetary Principles: For a New Prosperity by Patrick Bolton and Haizhou Huang (May 21, $35, ISBN 978-0-691-23222-5). Money serves as equity capital for a country, contend economists Bolton and Huang in this reappraisal of the relationship between a nation’s money supply and its economy.

Slow Burn: The Hidden Costs of a Warming World by R. Jisung Park (Apr. 9, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-691-22103-8) surveys the less obvious social and economic costs of climate change, including reduced productivity, restricted social mobility, and worse
educational outcomes.


How Leaders Happen: Why Psychology, Personality, and Character Make All the Difference by Elias Aboujaoude (May 21, $30, ISBN 978-1-5417-0301-8). Psychologist Aboujaoude suggests that the qualities of a good leader depend on temperament, timing, and context.

Is Your Work Worth It? How to Think about Meaningful Work by Jennifer Tosti-Kharas and Christopher Wong Michaelson (May 7, $29, ISBN 978-1-5417-0340-7) interrogates labor’s role in contemporary life, contemplating how much people should work, individuals’ motivations for working, and how to find meaning outside the office.


Negotiating While Black: Be Who You Are to Get What You Want by Damali Peterman (June 4, $30, ISBN 978-0-593-54460-0) delineates skills and strategies for how Black people can navigate bias at the negotiating table.


American Flannel: How a Band of Entrepreneurs Are Bringing the Art and Business of Making Clothes Back Home by Steven Kurutz (Mar. 12, $29, ISBN 978-0-593-32961-0) documents the efforts of American Giant and other companies to make apparel in the U.S.

Rowman & Littlefield

Clean Economy Now: Stories from the Frontlines of an American Business Revolution by Bob Keefe (Apr. 2, $27, ISBN 978-1-5381-8304-5) profiles electric vehicle and renewable battery companies that are leading the charge on clean energy and transforming the communities where their factories are located.


Career Forward: Strategies from Women Who’ve Made It by Grace Puma and Christiana Smith Shi (Feb. 20, $28.99, ISBN 978-1-66801-860-6) urges women to consider if their current job is serving their long-term goals and offers advice on how to get fair pay and handle office politics.

Simon & Schuster

Fair Shake: Women and the Fight to Build a Just Economy by Naomi Cahn, June Carbone, and Nancy Levit (May 7, $27.99, ISBN 978-1-982115-12-8) dissects legal cases that reveal how cutthroat corporate maneuvers marginalize women in the workplace and keep them from positions of power.

St. Martin’s Essentials

Build Like a Woman: The Blueprint for Creating a Business and Life You Love by Kathleen Griffith (June 4, $30, ISBN 978-1-250-28699-4) presents a 12-step program for how women can start their own businesses while keeping up with their personal responsibilities.

Univ. of California

Dignity Not Debt: An Abolitionist Approach to Economic Justice by Chrystin Ondersma (Apr. 9, $27.95, ISBN 978-0-520-39147-5) proposes legislative fixes to flawed economic policies that have allowed Americans to get mired in debt without much to show for it.


Democratizing the Corporation: The Bicameral Firm, edited by Isabelle Ferreras, Tom Malleson, and Joel Rogers (Feb. 27, $34.95 trade paper, ISBN 978-1-80429-453-6). Private companies can be made more equitable through the introduction of worker boards that share equal governing power with executive boards, according to these essays.


Team: Getting Things Done with Others by David Allen and Edward Lamont (May 21, $30, ISBN 978-0-593-65290-9). Allen, with executive coach Lamont, follows up his 2001 bestseller Getting Things Done with a companion volume on how to improve communication between colleagues and make teams more productive.

Yale Univ.

Rich World, Poor World: The Struggle to Escape Poverty by Ali A. Allawi (Apr. 23, $35, ISBN 978-0-300-21428-4) explores how corruption, subpar leadership, and neoliberal policies have hampered economic growth in the global south.

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A version of this article appeared in the 12/04/2023 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: Business & Economics


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