South Africa’s largest urban community survey reveals Ballito’s spending habits | North Coast Courier


Forty percent of people in South Africa gamble online at least once a month!

That figure may shock you, but you will be relieved to hear that Ballito bucks the trend, receiving the lowest score for a community out of the 97 sampled countrywide, with the average for monthly online gambling sitting at only 24%.

Roots is South Africa’s largest urban community survey, and offers unique insights into consumer behaviour.

Locally the survey is made possible every three years by The North Coast Courier in partnership with Caxton and Spark Media.

Running since 2000, the landscape survey spans the distribution areas of 97 local newspapers countrywide with a total sample of 23 000 interviews.

Each community is sampled independently, most recently using the online Borderless Access platform.

The results provide consumer research covering shopping habits, the home, food and groceries, entertainment, fashion and beauty, finance, technology, readership and the pathway to purchase.

Business owners were treated to the Roots Survey 8.0’s unique insights at the Courier’s business breakfast at Fiamma Grill last Thursday.

In an ever-changing economic landscape, understanding the buying habits of the community can be the difference maker for local business.

This was the message delivered by TNS Research Survey’s Lynne Krog, who presented the results which are gathered independently.

Over the next few editions, the Courier will look more in-depth at various categories. Keep an eye out to better understand your fellow community members.

Insights into Roots 8.0
Your local newspaper

• 54% community members read the Courier weekly, while 93% read the newspaper at least once every four weeks.

Demographics and Finance

• The average age of the respondents was 46, with people over 41 making up 62% of the group.
• Monthly household income averaged out at R49 800, with 83% of households taking home more than R20 000 a month.
• 67% were working full time.

Technology and Automotive

• Everyone surveyed had internet access in their homes, with 68% enjoying Wi-Fi connectivity.
• More than 87% of people have access to devices (separate from a cell phone), with laptops at 67% and Smart TVs at 53% the most common.
• 97% of households had at least one car, with 47% having access to two and 10% with access to three or more.


• Despite widespread access to technology, 98% of people still mainly shop in-store, with 72% returning to their normal habits after the Covid pandemic.
• Although Ballito and surrounds is an affluent survey group, 100% reported that they look for specials, either through the Courier, online or in-store.

Food, Exercise and Travel

• 96% had eaten out recently, with 45% choosing to do so weekly.
• Just a little higher, 98% had ordered takeaways with 99% recently consuming a ready-to-eat meal.
• More than 66% had travelled in the past year, with 8% doing so internationally.
• An active community, 81% reported regular exercise with 39% doing so at least once a week.


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