Some Caymanians could get free access to NHS in UK – Cayman Islands Headline News


Cayman News Service
Photo credit: NHS England

(CNS): A very limited number of Caymanian patients could soon have free access to National Health Service hospitals and other health services in the UK after Britain and its territories reached a new deal at the recent Joint Ministerial Council in London. Currently, only the people of the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar have unlimited access to the NHS, while those in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Anguilla, St Helena, the British Virgin Islands and Montserrat gain access via a limited quota system.

According to the communique released following the meeting, Ascension Island, Bermuda, Tristan da Cunha as well as Cayman will now be able to refer cases to the UK for free NHS treatment under a revised, though still limited, system. Reforms will enable greater flexibility and wider access to the services and include the additional four territories.

The British government has also agreed to regularly review the reforms to ensure they meet individual territory needs, such as mental health support, an area where Cayman provides very limited care and may seek to take advantage of the new agreement.

Previously, territories with access to the system were allowed to send a very small number of patients per year to NHS hospitals across the UK, but they have been requesting an increase to the quota. It is understood that once the details are finalised, each territory will be able to refer around a dozen patients annually. Territories that don’t fill their quota will be able to offer unused hospital beds to another territory that needs them.

So far, the Cayman Islands Government has not commented on the new access. CNS has contacted the health ministry, and we are awaiting a response.

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