Small business cybersecurity training


Small business cybersecurity training

Education and training are crucial components for small to medium-sized businesses in the aim of fostering a solid cybersecurity defence. To assist, Avast has developed a cybersecurity basics training quiz that helps employees spot and avoid common scams.

The quiz comprises three separate modules and is available free for small businesses. Modules include: Data Security, Identity Management and Social Media Security, covering everything from basics to best practices. Take the quiz using the links below.

Data security

Identity management

Social media security

The quiz is available to any individual or business but is specially targeted at small and medium-sized businesses that want to provide training for all employees without additional investment. Individuals who complete the quiz will receive a confirmation of passing each module.

Growing threats for businesses

Online threats to businesses are ever-changing, making true online safety an ongoing journey. Zero-day vulnerabilities and ransomware extortion continue to be some of the most concerning threats to businesses — and are the most well known — but data from Avast shows that phishing of employees is often the first mode of entry for malicious actors. According to Avast, scams and phishing attacks are a leading threat to SMBs.

“Raising awareness about the many threats to small businesses and educating customers on cybersecurity is a vital part of helping small businesses remain safe and protected,” said Massimo Rapparini, General Manager & Head of SMB at Gen.

“We’re proud to use our extensive in-house knowledge to provide this type of training for free through the Avast Cybersecurity Training Quiz.”

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