The much-awaited Korean reality series Single’s Inferno 3 aired three episodes on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 5 p.m. KST on Netflix. The dating show features a set of eligible singles, all set to mingle with fellow potential suitors at the Inferno. They will participate in a variety of challenges, and winners get an opportunity to go to Paradise with their chosen match. The singles seek to find love and potential partners by the end of the season.
Episodes 2 and 3 of Single’s Inferno showcased the beginning of the twist, which shook the existing couples’ connections from the first episode. The premiere episode revealed that there were two infernos. Eventually, one partner from the existing couple switched over to the other, Inferno. Lee Gwan-Hee and Kim Gyu-Ri, who were part of the first Inferno, took the most out of the twist. The duo found better matches and went to Paradise for a second time.
Lee Gwan-Hee matched with Yun Ha-Jeong from the second Inferno. Meanwhile, Kim Gyu-Ri went to Paradise with Park Min-Kyu, who shifted to the first Inferno from the second.
Single’s Inferno 3 Episodes 2 & 3: Lee Gwan Hee, Kim Gyu-Ri benefit from two Infernos twist
The single’s Inferno episodes began with introducing the second Inferno participant. In the premiere episode, the first Inferno contestants found out that there were two Infernos. Moreover, each Inferno has different sets of contestants.
The singles from the first Inferno include Kim Gyu-Ri, Choi Hye-Seon, Choi Min-Woo, Lee Jin Seok, An Min-Young, and Lee Gwan-Hee. Episode 2 introduced the second Inferno contestants – Song Won-Ik, Yun Ha-Bin, Yun Ha-Jeong, Park Min-Kyu, and Yu Si-Eun – in order of their appearance at the Inferno. Furthermore, the scene shifted to Day 1 at the second Inferno, where the new cast members went through the same process as the other ones.
Ha-Jeong and Yu Si-Eun knew of each other’s identities as they’d met outside of the show. Both of them were interested in Park Min-Kyu and gave their tickets to him for a chance at Paradise. He eventually chose to go with Ha-Jeong, leaving Si-Eun disheartened. The two spent quality time in Paradise before the same twist led to Ha-Jeong meeting Gwan-Hee.
Gwan-Hee was previously matched with Choi Hye-Seon in the first Inferno. But after the twist, he shifted to the second Inferno. Both he and Ha-Jeong hit it off on their way to the second Inferno. On the other hand, Park Min-Kyu shifted to the first Inferno, where he connected the most with Kim Gyu-Ri. Ahead of the new Paradise coupling, Choi Min-Woo approached Gyu-Ri, expressing regret for not choosing her earlier.
Although Gyu-Ri had several options, she and Min-Kyu matched with each other and headed to Paradise, holding hands. This left Min-Woo heartbroken. In the second Inferno, Gwan-Hee interacted with both Ha-Jeong and Si-Eun, but it became evident that he was more interested in the former. Moreover, at the Paradise coupling Si-Eun and Won-Ik matched each other and headed to Paradise.
Eventually, it was revealed that Ha-Jeong and Gwan-Hee matched each other. The two also headed to Paradise. Both couples—Gyu-Ri and Min-Kyu and Gwan-Hee and Ha-Jeong—spent quality time, but the latter couple stole the spotlight for being playful and attracted to each other. The two eventually decided not to sway with their choices, but the game had only just begun.
In a preview for the upcoming episode, both Infernos will merge. This will give singles a wider array of choices to pursue. Moreover, the arrival of new cast members will add to the existing tension. All three episodes are available to stream on Netflix. Episodes 4 and 5 of Single’s Inferno will be available on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 5 p.m. KST.
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