SFE launches new financial sector growth strategy


New plans published by Scottish Financial Enterprise (SFE) aim to unlock £7bn in gross value added (GVA) for the Scottish economy by 2028.

The member body representing Scotland’s financial and related professional services industry has launched its vision for sector growth, making the most of the nation’s technology and ecosystem advantages.

The strategy has been developed in collaboration with City of London Corporation, TheCityUK, FinTech Scotland and the Global Ethical Finance Initiative, and is supported by both the Scottish and UK governments.

Financial and related professional services are already the largest contributor to the Scottish economy, adding around £14.3bn GVA annually. The industry directly employs around 136,000 people, with many thousands more in the supply chain – and with salaries a third higher than the average wage in Scotland.

The statement suggested that industry leaders believe Scotland is uniquely well placed to respond to the key trends shaping the future, including growth in sustainable finance and fintech, as well as the rise of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

The strategy aims to harness Scotland’s human capital to fuel innovation and fill skills gaps, enhance Scotland’s capability as a key regional technology hub and develop Scotland’s finance ecosystem to attract investment.

The set of actions are focused on collaboration, communication and technological innovation, with targets including:

  • Grow GVA from £14.3bn to between £17bn and £21bn in five years.
  • Double assets under management in Scotland’s financial services sector to £1trn by 2030.
  • Propel Scotland to the top regional financial centres globally, as measured by the Global Financial Centres Index.
  • Ensure that Edinburgh reaches a position of being among the top 20 global financial centres, with Glasgow in the top 30.
  • Increase the sector’s economic contribution to, and wider impact on, society in Scotland.

SFE chief executive Sandy Begbie said: “Achieving sustainable, inclusive, economic growth is vital if we are to create more of the high-wage, high-skill jobs our country needs to raise living standards and properly fund public services.


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