Two new grant programs from the City of San Antonio are aimed at helping small businesses in certain parts of the city upgrade their storefronts and outdoor spaces.
Applications for the Façade Improvement Grant and the Outdoor Spaces Grant programs open July 10 and close Sept. 8.
Both programs are federally funded through the American Rescue Plan Act as part of the city’s Small Business Implementation Plan.
“The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted longstanding challenges in our business community,” stated City Manager Erik Walsh. “Through these ARPA-funded grants, we’re helping San Antonio businesses develop or expand new ways to serve their customers.”
The Façade Improvement Grant offers qualifying businesses in eligible areas up to $50,000 to make façade, landscaping and signage improvements that are visible from the public right-of-way.
A business must be located in the World Heritage buffer zone, priority areas identified in the SA Tomorrow plans, the northeast corridor revitalization program area, and in city-initiated construction project zones.
An interactive eligibility map and more detail is provided on the city’s website.
Façade improvements can lead to entire neighborhoods being made better, according to a report for urban planning professionals and advocates on Planners Web.
“The revitalization of a neglected commercial district or residential neighborhood often begins with improvements to a single building or storefront,” the report states.
“Even simple changes such as the removal of non-historic materials, repairs, or a new paint job that calls attention to the building’s original architectural details signal positive change and often stimulate similar improvements in neighboring buildings.”
The Outdoor Spaces program will provide matching-fund grants to locally owned and independently operated food and drinking establishments.
Grants range between $2,000 and $10,000 for upgrades to outdoor amenities such as patios, cooling systems, furniture, heaters, lighting and technology such as contactless point-of-sale systems.
A small business owner who rents space for their restaurant or store is also eligible for both the façade and outdoor spaces programs. A copy of the lease agreement and letter from the property owner giving approval to participate will be required as part of the application process.
The city recently closed its Construction Recovery Grant program, giving out $2.4 million in ARPA funding for storefront businesses affected by city-directed road construction.
The city plans to hold information sessions for the new programs starting July 5. See the program websites for more information and to register, or send an email to the city’s business outreach team at smallbizinfo@sanantonio.gov or call 210-207-3922.
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