Rotary president: Financial literacy education good for Fla. business — if it ever arrives


“Make and play for the breaks; when one comes your way, take advantage of it and score.”

“How you practice is how you will play in the game.”

With exhortations like these, our high schools prepare young athletes to compete on the field of play. In contrast, what do our high schools do to prepare all high school graduates to compete in the economic game of their lives?

Until now, not enough.

There is hope that will change with SB 1054, a 2022 law that makes financial literacy and personal money management courses mandatory in public high schools. Recognizing this golden opportunity, the Rotary Club of Jacksonville has designated, for the second year in a row, April as JaxRotary Financial Literacy Month and April 17 as JaxRotary Financial Literacy Day.

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Since Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 1054 into law last year, the Florida Department of Education has been working to adopt course standards. However, it is still to be determined whether the criteria will be ready for implementation in September, as the law requires.

Until the standards are issued, Duval County Public Schools cannot set a budget, adopt course curriculum or assessment tools. Also hanging in the balance is the selection and training of financial literacy teachers.

Over 7,000 Duval County high school seniors will graduate in two months without the benefit of the new course. Next year, at least 7,000 more should not have the same disadvantage. Without the benefit of the course, they will be entering the “school of hard knocks” and many will be knocked for a loop.

JaxRotary urges:

  • Florida Department of Education must issue the standards without further delay;
  • DCPS to implement the standards at the earliest practicable date; and
  • Support from parents and citizens to encourage an academically rigorous course.

The course is not a silver bullet. It is important to the graduates and their families. For some families, it may start the process of building intergenerational wealth. The entire community will benefit, including employers, civic and religious organizations, as well as businesses — yours included.

Our collective economic team will be stronger when our new team members are better prepared to build wealth and achieve financial stability.

Lt. Col. J.W. Agee, president, Rotary Club of Jacksonville, U.S. Air Force commander (retired), 159th Fighter Squadron, Jacksonville

This guest column is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of the Times-Union. We welcome a diversity of opinions.


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