‘Raise the Bar: Zero to 1 Billion’ Earns Shingo Publication Award


LOGAN, Utah — The Shingo Institute, a program of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, has awarded Michael Ballé, Nicolas Chartier, Guillaume Paoli, and Régis Medina the Shingo Publication Award for their book, Raise the Bar: Zero to 1 Billion: Combining Lean and Digital for People-Centric, Sustainable Growth.

“Receipt of the Shingo Publication Award signifies an author’s significant contribution and practical application to the body of knowledge regarding organizational excellence,” says Ken Snyder, executive director of the Shingo Institute.

Raise the Bar shares the authors’ Lean journey and how daily problem-solving revealed that rigid processes are the problem and that people are the solution. This revelation led them to radically change their management model from command and control to orient and support, from managing by the numbers to teamwork, from demanding compliance to setting up a chain of help, and from local optimization to wall-to-wall lead-time improvement. This inspiring journey will give readers new ways to think about combining digital, brick-and-mortar, and Lean for stability, agility, rapid growth, and sustainability.

Daniel T. Jones, co-author of The Machine that Changed the World, Lean Thinking, Lean Solutions, and The Lean Strategy, said: “This remarkable book is a microcosm of any business facing challenging times. Raise the Bar is a truly unique book from which every executive can draw valuable lessons for their own journey. It will change the way you think about business strategy.”

“Live the journey of a tech start-up grown to a hypergrowth company through the eyes of its founders as they learn that ‘the magic of digital is the magic of the Wizard of Oz: there is machinery behind the curtain,’” said Jeffrey K. Liker, author of The Toyota Way series. “To deliver on the promise to customers of a seamless purchase of new and preowned cars, they turn to Lean and develop the problem-solving capability of each team member.”

The authors will receive their award at the Awards Gala during the Shingo Conference in Provo, Utah, USA, on May 23. The conference features benchmarking tours, workshops, keynote speakers, and interactive break-out sessions designed to provide ongoing knowledge, insights and experience for organizations in pursuit of operational excellence. To learn more about the conference, please visit https://shingo.org/events.

To order your copy of Raise the Bar: Zero to 1 Billion: Combining Lean and Digital for People-Centric, Sustainable Growth, please visit https://shingo.org/books.

About the Shingo Institute

The Shingo Institute is home of the Shingo Prize, an award that recognizes organizations that demonstrate an exceptional culture that fosters continuous improvement. Part of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, the Shingo Institute is named after Japanese industrial engineer and Toyota adviser, Shigeo Shingo. Dr. Shingo distinguished himself as one of the world’s thought leaders in concepts, management systems, and improvement techniques that have become known as the Toyota Production System.

Drawing from Dr. Shingo’s teachings and years of experience working with organizations worldwide, the Shingo Institute developed the Shingo Model, which is the basis for its several educational offerings, including workshops, study tours, and conferences. Workshops are available in multiple languages through the Institute’s Licensed Affiliates. For more information on workshops, affiliates, or to register to attend the Annual Shingo Conference, please visit www.shingo.org.


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