Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann instructed officials on Sunday to speed up the process of conducting a special girdawari (revenue survey) to assess agricultural damage caused by inclement weather and guarantee farmers receive compensation before Baisakhi.
Baisakhi will take place on April 14th. Unpredictable rainfall, hailstorms, and high-velocity winds have harmed wheat and other crops across Punjab. The state government has announced a 25% increase in crop loss compensation owing to weather fluctuations.
Mann, in a statement issued here, invited all MLAs to meet with the affected farmers. “MLAs should visit with farmers and listen to their complaints. Similarly, police should ensure that the special ‘girdawari’ is finished as soon as possible so that we may distribute compensation before Baisakhi,” Mann said in a statement.
Mann expressed solidarity with farmers who lost crops due to rain and hailstorms, saying his government is with food growers in this time of crisis.
He stated that every money lost would be repaid. The chief minister stated that he is personally supervising the entire effort to guarantee that affected farmers get reimbursed in the most transparent and timely manner possible.
Compensation for impacted farmers is his government’s top concern, he said. Mann has warned that there will be zero tolerance for any carelessness or lapse found at any level of the government machinery during the girdawari. Public announcements are being made before to ‘girdawari’ to ensure that people are aware of it, he said, adding that a 25% increase in compensation has been declared to provide a healing touch to the farmers.
He also stated that his government has put a halt to the repayment of loans obtained by farmers from Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies.
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