Cumbria Community Foundation awarded the funds, received from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund – a UK government group – to Cumbria Business Growth Hub, part of Cumbria Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber said support includes group adviser support, an introduction to self-employment course, a three-day business start-up course, and other free training, all with the aim of providing skills and knowledge to set-up and start a successful business.
Lesley Robinson, head of business support at Cumbria Chamber, said: “Following conversations with a local agency I was made aware of pockets of people with the skills and qualifications to run a business in their home country, they really want to run a business here in Cumbria but don’t have a clue where to start and how to set up.
“We’re delighted to have been awarded a grant to deliver this specific business support programme.
“Nowhere in the county is there a support programme for these underrepresented client groups, so it’s a great privilege to be able to give the advice, support and guidance needed to ensure businesses start up legally, can make a profit, and are given the best possible chance of success.”
The Chamber said as part of this programme there will also be awareness raising activity within the local communities to stimulate interest and desire in self-employment allowing people to consider it as an option to explore further.
Annalee Holliday, senior grants, programmes and communications officer at Cumbria Community Foundation, said: “The UKSPF – E23 Strengthening Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Fund was set up to help people into work or self-employment.
“This project improves access to employment and training opportunities and will inspire, encourage, and nurture entrepreneurial refugees, boosting community cohesion.”
The first in person three-day business start-up course runs on May 18, 19, and 25, from 9:30am to 1pm at Whitehaven Foyer, Irish Street, Whitehaven, translator support will be provided.
Anyone interested in finding out more is asked to email info@cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk or visit https://cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk/business-start-up/refugee-and-asylum-seeker-self-employment-programme.
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