The dynamics of fragility, conflict and crises around the world have become more complex. About one in five countries around the world are considered to be fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS). FCS are home to nearly 1 billion people and 43 percent of the world’s poor.
To support and build resilience for the most vulnerable people and reduce humanitarian needs in fragile situations and conflict-affected areas, expertise and resources must be mobilized from humanitarian, development, and peace actors, including the private sector.
At the Connecting Business initiative (CBi), a joint initiative of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP), we engage the private sector at the intersection of the humanitarian, development, and peace agendas.
Although engaging the private sector in fragile situations and conflict-affected areas faces immense challenges, especially when natural hazards strike to further complicate the situation, CBi experience has indicated that collective action coordinated by private sector networks has the potential to scale impact, minimize duplication and risks, and help strengthen disaster resilience.
Here are some recommendations by CBi for private sector engagement to reduce need through strengthened collaboration in fragile situations and conflict-affected areas, elaborated on below:
- The private sector should have a seat at relevant coordination structures led by governments, humanitarian and development organizations
- Understand the context before planning the disaster management activities
- Apply conflict sensitivity in private sector disaster management
- Address knowledge gap and use the tools to enhance capabilities
- The private sector should have a seat at relevant coordination structures led by governments, humanitarian and development organizations
While governments and organisations like the UN hold the main responsibility for addressing humanitarian and development challenges, , the private sector has a clear incentive to support their efforts: Conflict and instability are bad for business. For this reason, the private sector has always been present even in the most challenging contexts, adapting their regular business operations to the realities on the ground.
As a result, business should be engaged in relevant coordination structures led by governments, humanitarian, and development organizations. This ensures the private sector receives timely information about priorities and needs, and has the opportunity to share updates on their engagement to better align with the broader efforts, for example to prevent and respond to internal displacement.
The changing humanitarian-development-peace landscape can best be addressed by a holistic approach which recognizes the specific expertise and resources of different stakeholders, including the private sector.
- Understand the context before planning the disaster management activities
Every context has its own unique characteristics and carries its own set of nuances and variables that are extremely difficult to account for in a single typology. This highlights the importance of business network participation in humanitarian and development assessments – to share information they have about communities they are in or connected to, and to learn from the others.
Tools such as a landscape assessment and a risk analysis provide a basis for understanding a specific context and identifying risks, opportunities and other factors that help determine the parameters for a collective private sector intervention.
- Apply conflict sensitivity in private sector disaster management
Disaster management activities, particularly the distribution of aid, can create or deepen tensions even in seemingly calm societies. It is therefore critical for all actors, including the private sector, to consider local realities as they plan for their activities.
As the private sector plays an increasing role in disaster management, businesses have to mitigate the risk of conflicts and be careful to integrate local context and sensitivities.
The CBi guidance note on conflict sensitive private sector disaster management provides an overview of the concept and lists recommended actions for business networks to consider as they design and implement various interventions before, during and after crises.
The CBi case study “Integrating Conflict Sensitivity in Private Sector Disaster Management: Lessons from the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation” showcases how the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation has considered conflict sensitivity in its disaster management programming.
- Address knowledge gap and enhance capabilities
Research shows that knowledge gap exists around engaging the private sector in disaster management in fragile situations and conflict-affected areas. Therefore, targeted learning and knowledge sharing activities can build private sector capabilities by disseminating context-specific good practices. Further, practical tools that provide frameworks for conflict analysis, risk assessment, and intervention design can close skill gaps.
To address the knowledge gap and catalyze the private sector action, between 2017 and 2019, CBi explored how CBi Member Networks – and private sector platforms overall – can engage local companies in manmade disaster contexts. CBi and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) developed **a guidance toolkit that was piloted by CBi Member Networks in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya and Türkiye. **The guidance toolkit provides a framework for translating disaster contexts into actionable private sector strategies aligned with Government and humanitarian efforts. Case studies were also developed to highlight the initial lessons learnt from the three pilot countries. By conducting assessments and workshops, CBi Member Networks built a foundation for business engagement tailored to their specific manmade disaster contexts. crisis strikes.
CBi resource library contains a list of publications relevant to Private sector engagement in fragile situations and conflict-affected areas, with new ones being added regularly. Existing examples of collective private sector engagement across different contexts provide valuable insights and can serve as inspiration – to governments, the UN and businesses alike.
In addition, CBi offers a free online course on “Private Sector Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Areas”. The goal of the course is to provide information to private sector networks and companies to plan for initial disaster management activities in conflict-affected or fragile environments. It can be accessed online and you will be able to get the certificate if you pass the assessment with a score of 80% or above.
When the private sector utilizes its expertise responsibly, it magnifies the reach and impact of disaster management in fragile situations and conflict-affected areas. With strong collaboration and communication, businesses can transform themselves from uneasy partners to valued contributors. The result is more resilient and better prepared communities.
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