AS a 40-year-old Parisian dad, my views on urban transportation are suitably middle-aged. Getting my son to daycare involves navigating a 40-m-wide 19th-century boulevard on which cars, motorbikes, vans, e-bikes, scooters and a newly-extended tramway all duke it out for space.
It’s 200 years of road rage at the edge of a city in the midst of a carless revolution.
Paris’ failed romance with scooters is a warning
AS a 40-year-old Parisian dad, my views on urban transportation are suitably middle-aged. Getting my son to daycare involves navigating a 40-m-wide 19th-century boulevard on which cars, motorbikes, vans, e-bikes, scooters and a newly-extended tramway all duke it out for space.
It’s 200 years of road rage at the edge of a city in the midst of a carless revolution.
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