Over 45,000 North West companies in ‘significant financial distress’


More than 45,000 companies in the North West are facing “significant financial distress”, according to Begbies Traynor.

New research from the Manchester-headquartered insolvency group shows that 45,579 businesses in the region are in trouble as inflation and interest rates bite.

The second quarter results are a year-on-year increase of 8.01% (up from 42,198) and a quarterly jump of 3.47% (up from 44,052).

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Begbies Traynor said the latest data is sourced from a “completely new Red Flag dataset” that has involved a “deep dive analysis” of eight years’ company data by data scientists over the past two years to track key factors behind company distress and failure rates.

“Significant distress” refers to businesses showing deterioration in key financial ratios and indicators including those measuring working capital, contingent liabilities, retained profits and net worth.

The largest volume of distressed businesses are found in a trio of key economic sector hubs in the North West region: construction, real estate and support services which, together, make up 41% of the total (18,838) number of significantly distressed firms.


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