Opinion: What to do about the crime wave? | Chattanooga Times Free Press


Today at 6:00 p.m.

Cal Thomas / Tribune Content Agency

“When people lack teachers, their tendencies are not corrected; when they do not have ritual and moral principles, then their lawlessness is not controlled.” — XunZi, ancient Chinese philosopher

Walking along a street in Madrid in the 1970s after a late-night supper, I asked a local resident if there was much crime in the city. When he replied, “hardly any,” I asked why? “No repeaters,” he said.

Dictator Francisco Franco was still running Spain and dictatorships can get away with things a constitutional republic cannot, but Franco was on to something the U.S. seems to have forgotten. Swift and certain punishment is a major deterrent to people who might be thinking about breaking laws.

Of all the explanations for the rise in crime in America, none may be more accurate than the lack of swift and certain punishment.




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