Opinion: Biden impeachment inquiry opens a dangerous new door | Chattanooga Times Free Press


Today at 12:00 p.m.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board (TNS)

Photo/Haiyun Jiang/The New York Times / Rep. James Comer Jr., R-Ken., chairman of the House Oversight Committee, speaks to the media outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023. Comer is one of the House members in charge of the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

“I am your retribution,” Donald Trump told his followers earlier this year. And, while the former president technically has no role in the newly launched House impeachment inquiry against his once and probably future election opponent, that action is — make no mistake — all about fulfilling Trump’s malicious vow.

This kangaroo court has been convened not because there’s one molecule of evidence that President Joe Biden has done anything impeachable, but because Trump’s movement demands it of his most zealous followers in the U.S. House and their hostage … er, speaker … Kevin McCarthy.

Though this is potentially the start of the third impeachment process America has seen in the past few years, it’s dangerous new ground.

Unlike the two impeachments during Trump’s term, this inquiry is launched not in response to any actual evidence of wrongdoing, but in hopes of finding some.



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