Online Business Training Offered for Agritourism Enterprises



Business Planning for Agritourism Enterprises webinar is Jan. 23

University of Vermont Extension is sponsoring a free webinar and training to introduce a new online business tool and provide guidance on writing business plans for agritourism operators. (Maddy Baker, Unsplash)

BURLINGTON, Vt. — In 2024, University of Vermont Extension is sponsoring a free webinar and training to introduce a new online business tool and provide guidance on writing business plans for agritourism operators.

The January 23 webinar, Business Planning for Agritourism Enterprises, will cover the key steps for business planning. Participants will learn about AgPlan, a free, easy-to-use business planning app designed to provide customized assistance for different types of businesses, including agritourism.

The webinar will run from 1 to 2 p.m. and include a general overview of business planning and information about registering for an online training series to be held in February and March to develop a personalized business plan. For more information or to register for the webinar, go to

Registrations will be accepted until the day of the event. To request a disability-related accommodation to participate, please contact Amber Hunt at (802) 656-7530 or by January 2.

Agritourism business owners and managers interested in developing a business plan can sign up for the free seven-week training course led by Extension business experts. Each week will focus on a different section of the process. Anyone who attends all sessions and completes all assignments will have a complete draft of a business plan by the end of March.

Agritourism Business Planning with AgPlan will be taught via Zoom and runs from 1 to 2 p.m. every Tuesday from February 13 through March 26. Register at

Participants will use AgPlan (, a resource developed by the University of Minnesota, to create a business plan for their operation. One important feature of this tool is that it allows users to share their business plan with business advisors and consultants.

Contact Amber Hunt at (802) 656-7530 or by January 23 to request a disability-related accommodation to participate in the February and March training.

— University of Vermont Extension


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