(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 10 – The Regional Administrative Court
(TAR) of Lazio on Friday annulled a decree with which the
business and Made in Italy ministry on 31 March laid down an
obligation for petrol station operators to communicate average
fuel prices both nationally and in their area.
The ruling upheld an appeal from sector operators.
The obligation for gas stations in Italy to display the average
prices of petrol and diesel alongside their over own prices
kicked in at the beginning of August.
The government approved the move after a sharp rise in fuel
prices after duty reductions to help with the cost-of-living
crisis were scrapped at the start of the year.
The aim was to prevent speculative price hikes.
On its website the business and made in Italy ministry (MIMIT)
published the national average for motorways and the averages
for each region that the gas stations will have to show. (ANSA).
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