Not prejudiced against govt says Landini at health demo – English


(ANSA) – ROME, JUN 24 – Italy’s biggest and most leftwing
trade union CGIL is not prejudiced against the government,
leader Maurio Landini said at a demonstration to protect
Italians’ health and the national health service in Rome
Saturday, saying that if anything it was the other way round.
“The square is open to all those who think about defending the
Constitution and changing the country. We do not answer to this
or that government or party, we have our proposals. It is the
government that is not discussing with the unions, we are not
prejudiced, those who are prejudiced is this government. And we
are not being listened to,” said Landini at the well-attended
‘Enough cuts to health, the situation is exploding, we must
invest and not lose a single euro of the (EU funded post COVID)
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)”, the CGIL leader
The demo was set to be followed by a march through Rome at which
opposition centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein
and opposition populist 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader and
ex-premier Giuseppe Conte were expected to feature.
The health and healthcare system rally was attended by sector
associations too. (ANSA).