A national housebuilder has received planning approval from Rotherham Council for a large housing development near West Melton and Brampton.
Rothbiz reported in October that the application from Persimmon for 311 houses on land off Barnsley Road / Pontefract Road was recommended for approval by the planning board.
The greenfield site was allocated for housing in Rotherham’s development plan in 2018 then Fitzwilliam Wentworth Estates put the 11.73 hectare site up for sale in 2019.
The full application is for a development that provides a mix of, two, three and four bed dwellings and a range of sizes to meet family needs. In Persimmon’s styles, the proposed units are all two storeys in height with the exception of some house types which are 2.5 storeys with a master bedroom provided in the roof space.
The proposal also includes the provision of 25% on site affordable housing units, which equates to 78 dwellings. Vehicle access is proposed off Barnsley Road but not Pontefract Road due to the level difference between the site and Pontefract Road, along with the presence of a gas main.
The delay was caused by the number of conditions attached to the approval and now a Section 106 agreement (a mechanism which makes a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable) has been signed by the council and developer, meaning that planning approval is granted.
In addition to the 25% affordable housing, other conditions in the Section 106 agreement include £155,500 towards sustainable transport measures, a £45,000 contribution to maintenance of existing Off Site Play Area within 400m of the site, a £45,000 contribution to footpath links, a £145,659 contribution to meet the increased demand of sport in the locality, a £54,947 contribution towards two bus shelters with real time digital displays near the site and a £609,451.75 contribution to education.
Persimmon, a listed company headquarted in York, reported total group revenues of £3.82bn for the year ended 31 December 2022, up from £3.61bn in 2021. Profit before tax was £730.7m, down from £966.8m the previous year. Warning that “the market remains uncertain” bosses said there could be 8,000-9,000 sales in 2023 unless there was a market improvement. 8,000 sales would be a 46% drop on the 14,868 homes completed in 2022.
Images: Google Maps
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