News from Marine Rescue Implementation Program Queensland – Marine Business News


The Queensland Marine Rescue Implementation program is well underway.  Their newsletter is very informative and provides units across the State with an update on the progress.  For those interested to know more, their FAQ page is very informative.  Read the latest updates on the FAQ page here.

This is what their latest edition of their newsletter had to share.

Watch a message from Business Reform Coordinator Greg Ringuet, Marine Rescue Implementation Program

Message from Program Director Matthew Thompson

It is my pleasure to bring you another edition of the monthly newsletter, which will be my last.

After several years with the Marine Rescue Implementation Program, I have made the difficult decision to step down as Program Director, with my last day being Friday 3 November.

It has been an enormous privilege to work alongside dedicated volunteers of the Volunteer Marine Rescue and Coast Guard. Together, we have laid the groundwork for Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ), which has been built on the foundations of the tireless work and committed Marine Rescue volunteers. I am deeply grateful for the trust and collaboration I’ve received during my time as Program Director and am constantly in awe of the volunteers I have met across the state, and the many sector partners that contribute to this vital rescue service.

I’m pleased to share that recruitment of the MRQ Chief Officer position is underway with applications closing this week. This will see new leadership joining the reform effort in early 2024, which is another exciting step towards MRQ.

The Marine Rescue Implementation Program team remains focused and committed to delivering a single state-wide marine rescue service for Queensland. The team have been working hard, coming up with a plan of when and how units will transition to MRQ. A significant amount of work has been prepared over the last six months, as we work through the detail on how Units will transition to MRQ. The team looks forward to sharing this information with you in the very near future.

Marine Rescue Queensland brand identity and uniforms

We are very excited to officially share the approved emblem and uniforms for Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ) with you.

A huge thanks goes to the Volunteerism Reference Group and the Marine Rescue Queensland Implementation Working Group for their advice, expertise and support, and to all those volunteers across the state who put their hands up to have their say throughout the process. The next steps in this space are to develop a uniform catalogue, uniform policy, brand identity style guide and vessel style guide.

As we move closer to the launch of MRQ, we will release information about how volunteers can order uniforms. Sizes will range from 3XS to 5XL.

Did you know that from ‘boot to belt’ the MRQ uniform is the same as Queensland Water Police? The MRQ operational polo shirt is made from the same fabric and design as Water Police shirts but in MRQ colours.

Read more about how the emblem was created and may be applied to vessels.

A big thank you to our Marine Rescue Implementation Program (MRIP) models Steve and Kelli, who are also active volunteers with QF2 Brisbane.

Desktop pilots

MRIP, AVCGA and VMR have been working closely together over the past two months to deep-dive into all the steps needed for a Flotilla and Squadron to join MRQ. We want to say a huge thank you to QF4 Caloundra, VMR Bribie Island, VMR Brisbane (Shorncliffe) and QF2 Brisbane (Manly) and their members who have volunteered so many additional hours of their time to sit with us and advise on everything from ICT, data and operational systems to rostering, facilities, finances and assets, training and volunteer recruitment. These sessions have wrapped up and been invaluable in identifying the needs and requirements of a unit to join MRQ.

Technology and systems

When a unit joins MRQ, we will be providing new technology and systems. The technology is to help make things faster and easier, but also to improve people safety, data safety, analytics, document management and unit efficiency. There will be plenty of learning materials available, as well as people available to help with any learning support you may need. We are excited to let you know that the following key operational systems and platforms have been determined. Many of these are because MRQ is part of the Queensland Police Service, but additionally, we’re pleased to let you know we will have our own website, and therefore volunteers will have their own email address. Many of these are because MRQ is part of the Queensland Police Service, but additionally, we’re pleased to let you know that MRQ will have its own website.

Wellbeing support now available

You are now able to access psychological services and wellbeing activities as part of Fortem Australia’s clinical services.

First responders and their families face enormous challenges. These services exist to support you – the sessions are private, independent, and free. All Fortem psychologists are highly experienced in the challenges and traumas faced by first responders and their families. The impacts of these can be subtle or obvious, and arise for everyone in different ways, at different times.

Any member of AVCGA or VMR, or their family, can register for clinical services or activities, just select ‘Marine Rescue QLD’ as your agency.

This is not a crisis support service or a helpline. If you need urgent help, please call 000 or contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36.

Learn more


Read the latest updates on the FAQ page here. This comprehensive list is made up of questions asked by you, this is updated for each newsletter edition as we are updating the content as new questions come through and new information becomes available and decisions are made.

Emergency Services Expo

The Bribie Island Emergency Services Expo was held on Saturday 7 October. Volunteers from AVCGA and VMR demonstrated their rescue skills. A brief video featuring volunteer feedback was developed by the Reform Implementation Taskforce.

Fair winds and following seas

QBuild Inspections have begun to assess unit facilities and develop a plan for making any structural amendments required prior to transition.

All MRQ volunteers will require a Blue Card. In readiness for joining MRQ, we are happy to let you know that 640 Blue Card applications are already underway or complete. If you’d like to get started early, please get in touch, .

Unit visits

Over the next month, members of the MRIP team have confirmed visits to:

  • Whitsunday Region show – 7 November
  • Combined Southern and Moreton Bay Zones AGM – 12 November
  • QF2 50th Anniversary – 13 November
  • Gladstone vessel commissioning – 25 November



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