The Mississippi police department that recently caused a mistrial in a case that drew national attention has “competency issues” in its investigations unit that impede the department’s effectiveness, an independent investigator concluded.
The city of Brookhaven hired William Harmening, a retired law enforcement officer, to review its police department last month after a Lincoln County grand jury cited a number of issues within the agency, including a “lack of professionalism.”
Harmening was tasked with investigating the grand jury’s complaints and completing a review of the department, Mayor Joe Cox said in a statement Thursday.
Two criminal justice professors — one at the University of Mississippi and the other at the University of Southern Mississippi — also reviewed all aspects of the independent probe, Cox said.
The Board of Aldermen adopted Harmening’s report at its meeting Tuesday and voted to retain him to assist the city “with updating the policies and procedures addressed in his review,” said Cox, who pledged to “operate with transparency, efficiency and professionalism.”
In the scathing report in July, a Lincoln County grand jury said that after having considered dozens of criminal cases presented by the Brookhaven Police Department, it found that officers “poorly investigate their cases,” that the department has a habit of witness-blaming, that it is complacent, that it “does not complete investigations in a timely manner” and that it “is arresting individuals without sufficient probable cause,” among other issues.
In mid-August, a little over a month after the grand jury issued its report, a judge declared a mistrial in the case of a white father and his son who were accused of chasing and shooting at a Black FedEx driver who had dropped off a package at a home after it was revealed that a Brookhaven police detective withheld evidence.
‘In need of rebuilding’
Harmening’s 32-page report included his recommendations “for enhancing” the department’s effectiveness and professionalism.
He wrote that his evaluation included a review of the department’s policies and procedures, as well as discussions with Lee Bates, the district attorney for Lincoln, Pike and Walthall counties, and Brookhaven police officers, including Chief Kenneth Collins and his command staff.
“They were all cordial however, I was not allowed access to certain requested items, including personnel and investigative files,” he said in the report.
Harmening said he learned that the department “is in need of rebuilding.”
“The department is going through what many departments of its size have experienced, and sometimes it becomes necessary to draw a line in the sand and basically start over,” he wrote.
The department serves about 11,600 residents in the city about 55 miles south of the state capital, Jackson. It had 27 officers, including its chief, as of last month.
He cited a number of issues within the department, including “a severe manpower shortage,” “a confusing and inefficient command structure,” “a lack of officer training,” “competency issues” in its investigations unit and “a lack of integration with the two prosecutors’ offices they work with.”
“These are all problems that can be fixed with time, a new set of well-defined policies and protocols, and a new vision for the Department,” he wrote.
Collins, the chief, did not immediately reply to requests for comment.
Harmening also recommended creating a police committee within the Board of Aldermen, composed of the mayor, two board members and the city attorney.
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