Most Popular: Article Cayman Islands, July 2023
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Grand Cayman, 22 June 2023
The Ministry of Financial Services and Commerce wishes to advise
the public that its offices in the Government Administration
Building will be closed half day from 8:30am on Thursday, 29 June
to facilitate a staff function.
The Ministry apologises for any inconvenience this may cause and
will resume normal operating hours from 1:00pm on 29 June.
Persons should note that General Registry, the Department of
Commerce and Investment , the Cayman Islands Intellectual Property
Office and the Department for International Tax Cooperation fall
under the Ministry, and they will have the majority of their staff
attend the function. As a result, persons will experience service
disruptions at these entities. Normal operations will resume from
1:00pm on 29 June.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
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