MEPs headed to EU Parliament ‘accidentally’ end up in Disneyland


Several hundred MEPs travelling from Brussels to Strasbourg on Monday for the EU Parliament’s plenary session were accidentally rerouted to the train station serving Disneyland.


Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, so the marketing slogan goes, and a group of MEPs might have had smiles on their faces when they ended up at the resort near Paris instead of Strasbourg on Monday. 

An apparent error by French railway company SNCF Réseau meant the train from Brussels to Strasbourg was accidentally sent to Marne-la-Vallée, the station which serves the theme park, after a switching error.

There was no fairytale ending to the journey, as the politicians weren’t allowed to visit Disneyland, and were instead routed back in the direction of Strasbourg. 

“‘When magic comes to life’, Disney’s slogan soon to be that of the European Parliament?,” Belgian MEP Emmanuel Foulon asked on Twitter. 

“Could a new #Disneyland be a suitable use for the #Strasbourg buildings, if we ever manage to get a #SingleSeat for the EP? … and will this inspire a #Disney movie: #EPlenary and the train that wanted to go on holiday…,” Danish MEP Pelle Geertsen joked. 

The EU Parliament will be in plenary session until Thursday 19 October. There’s no word yet whether the MEPs were happy, grumpy or sleepy after their 45 minute Disneyland detour.


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